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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2016, 03:31 PM
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had a solid workout yesterday, today is a rest day.

I was at a new gym, so my routine was thrown off a bit but overall still went well.
I decided to take a big jump in weight, just because i felt good, and wanted to show off.
i jumped the weight on squat from 410 4x4 to 455 4x2
It was a struggle, but all reps went up smooth with no grinders. going for 455 4x3 on friday
after that i did some more high rep accessory work including leg press, leg curl, leg extension, back extension, lateral raise, and bicep curls.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2016, 04:48 PM
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still nothing drastic to note, but the past 4 nights in a row i have had vivid dreams, when before for months i cannot remember one dream i had.
still no night sweats, or insomnia. I do seem to be getting hot flashes. mostly just happens and work, so not sure if i just get hot from work or from the tren.

today was upper body.
i decided to change my rep range from 3-5 to 2-4. i just feel after 3-4th rep, especially on bench, my form breaks down, my back starts to slide on the bench and my shoulders come untucked.

bench- 325 4x2 (all went up nice and easy, could've hit a solid 3 on every set, but i didnt have a spotter and didnt want to risk misgrooving and killing myself.

seated row- 5x8-10
calf raise- 5x8-10
OHP- 4x8-10
cable flys- 4x8-10
BB shrugs- 225 4x6-8
dips- 2x8-10
rope pushdowns- 3x8-12
ab wheel- 4x8-10
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2016, 04:51 PM
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also wanted to note that i have had no tren cough. even though a few times i have had blood come out when pulling out needle, so i know i hit a vein
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2016, 02:29 PM
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woke up today with an extremely sore lower back from yesterdays deadlift workout.
I decided to start/keep pulling sumo and see how strong i can get that ( i have always been a conventional puller) and i pulled an all time PR of 535!
pretty happy about that. 525 is the most ive pulled conventional, and i havent maxed on sumo in over half a year, but the last time i did max it was 455.
body weight is right around 225 which is ten pound up and im still looking just as lean IMO
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2016, 11:47 PM
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well, squats felt super heavy today and i barely eeked out 465 3x2. did a few back off sets with 405 and i was fried. Did a lot of high rep volume work after that.
bench seems to be improving more then anything, but we will see.
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2016, 03:53 AM
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i did want to say on thursday i finally hit a PR worth mentioning. I got 425 on bench in a slingshot. To put into perspective, the last time i tried to max out with a slingshot i got 385 a couple months ago
i was super stoked about this, but then on friday i fell off my high horse when i failed a 545 deadlift.

Last edited by Yolked; 02-08-2016 at 04:19 PM.
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2016, 02:03 PM
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i can definitely feel like its kicking in now, but im still not getting the "god like gains" like i always hear about. I have gotten quite a few compliments people saying i'm looking bigger. Im still looking just as lean even 12ish pounds heavier then when i started. Weighed in a 226 this morning.
On monday i hit a 375 pound raw bench fairly smoothly. I misgrooved it, so i struggled to get it back into position, but once i did i locked it out nicely. Im hoping for a 405 bench by the time this is done. I would be very happy about that.
Yesterday squats felt really good as i was warming up. 505-510 is my all time max i have ever done, but i've never hit it super consistently. I would range between 475-505. Yesterday i hot 505 super smooth. I could of easily did a double.
But i had a lapse in judgment after that. Instead of just adding 10 or so pounds and taking a PR i got greedy and decided to make a huge jump to 555. I honestly thought i could do it. The tren was just whispering in my ear i guess.
I unracked it and it felt good. It didn't feel like it was crushing my spine or that it was too heavy. I took my breath, and i should of reset because my inhale just didn't feel right, and i didn't feel as braced as i should be. But i went down and went too low below parallel, but i tried to shoot back up and went up slightly then let it go. I didn't want to fry my CNS from grinding out my squat.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2016, 05:24 PM
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not too bad, 12lbs at a dose of 50mgs EOD isnt too bad bro
People say to me its possible to be too big.....but for me I dont want a physique thats average something thats reachable, I want something thats unobtainable that looks like its so hard to get, yes women hate it, BUT I FUCKIN LOVE IT....SO FUCK IT!! why do I want this??? CAUSE NORMAL FUCKIN SUCKS!!!
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2016, 07:26 PM
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Reading your log, it seems to me like the tren is doing OK. 12 lbs lean muscle and a fair bit of strength gains.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2016, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post

Reading your log, it seems to me like the tren is doing OK. 12 lbs lean muscle and a fair bit of strength gains.
well i have added about ten pounds to each of my big three, which to me is disappointing when i hear people adding 50-100 pounds on each.
and as far as the weight gain its far from lean muscle. I would say 2-3 pounds of muscle. (you gotta remember and visualize just how much that actually is) and the rest water/glycogen. When i started this cycle i was at the end of a small cutting phase, so i was depleted of glycogen and not near as bloated.
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