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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2012, 07:27 PM
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Cheers mate, other supps are multivitamin and I sometimes forget the creatine so many pills hahaha thanks for taking alook bro I may order some d Bol, I got some Lexis lab stuff here I might smash in 50mg
"I murdered a rock, I injured a stone and hospitalised a brick, am so bad I make medicine look sick" Best of Mohamed Ali!
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2012, 09:06 PM
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HAHAH yep. when im trying to gain weight I definatly get tired of the eating and drinking all day it never stops!! between trying to keep my water intake and food intake up and supps I feel like im always takeing something or forgeting something.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. --buddah
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2012, 05:31 AM
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Ok so iv been working offshore for 5 months and haven't been home much so my diet isn't the best because I can only eat what's made for me on rigs, I eat as good as I can. My current cycle (on week 6 now)

Wk1-8 test prop 1ml eod
Wk1-8 nandrolone phenylpropriate .5m eod
Wk1-4 dbol 60mg ed

Pct will be nolva 40/40/20/20

Training is:
Chest & back
Flat press 5 sets 15,12,10,6,6
Incline press 15,12,10,6,6
Flys. 15,12,10,6,6
50 pull ups (I go to failure till get 50)
Bent over row 15,12,10,6,6
Power : deadlifts. 10.6,4

Tuesday/Friday shoulders & legs
Db press 15,12,10,6,6
Db flys. 15,12,10,6,6
Db front raise (not sure of name sets as above)
Heavy up right row. 10,6,4
Squats. 15,12,10,6,6
Leg press. 15,12,10,6,6
Leg curl. 15,12,10,6,6
Leg extensions 15,12,10,6,6

Wednesday/Saturday bi's tri's
Bb curl 15,12,10,6,6
Seated db curl. 15,12,10,6,6
Hammer curl. 15,12,10,6,6
Close grip press 15,12,10,6,6
Push downs. 15,12,10,6,6
Skull crushers 15,12,10,6,6

So far gains have been good, not as much as I hoped but I was injured just b4 starting this cycle and hadn't trained in 2 months, iv put on 12 lbs so far but Christmas will get in the way or training days ect, il will pct off this (jan) bridge with var @ 50mg ed for 4 weeks b4 I start my 4th injectable cycle, that's where I'd like help. I want a real good bulker next get some awesome gains. I was thinking similar to this but changing the test from prop to sustanon and adding a third compound? Not sure as yet. Any help with this will be great

I want to thank CC for helping me so much the last year. I wouldn't be as confident doing any cycle with out your help. Also on diets and trains aswel, il post as much as I can in the new year, don't like not putting my input in to this site as I get so much from it. Cheers bro's
"I murdered a rock, I injured a stone and hospitalised a brick, am so bad I make medicine look sick" Best of Mohamed Ali!
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