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andyebs 06-12-2015 10:26 AM

thr 11/06/2015

dips 3 x to fail
barbell curl 3 x10
rope pushdown 3 x10
hammer curls 3 x10
kick backs 3 x10
ez bar curl but not full reps half top half with heavy weight 3 x 8

supps ---still on just protien shakes

gear ---
clen 120mcg
tri tren 450mg EW
tri test 400mg EW

todays food

meal 1 -- protien shake and orange
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and peach
meal 3--- tuna salad
meal 4 -- greek yougart
meal 5 -- chilly con carny with asparugus and really small amout of rice
meal 6 -- salmon and cream cheese and chive spread on slice granary bread

no cardio

andyebs 06-15-2015 09:16 AM

fri 12/06/2015

seated leg curls 3x10
standing ham curl 4x10
seated calf raise 4 x 10
squats 20,10,8
seated ham curl 3 x10
standing calf raise 3 x10
lunges 4 x 10 i bloody hate lunges but have to to what needs to be done

supps ---still on just protien shakes

gear ---
clen 120mcg last day on clen going for week on week off
tri tren 450mg EW
tri test 400mg EW

weekends food was normal as any other day
except sunday had carb up refeed day
oats in morning pasta at lunch roast tats for dinner and bowl cereal on evening
obv still had my protien just ramped up carbs think will have this every sunday

cardio over weekend was just lots activity as went to health and fitness day in local area done obstical course set up by paratroopers (i live in army town) witch was tough few other challanges for my ego lol like putting on full army stuff must of been ton felt like it moving was hard enough let alone do what they can do in it big respect and broke world record for biggest outdoor street dance performance

andyebs 06-16-2015 09:04 AM

mon 15/06/2015

incline smith machine press 3 x8 pause reps
incline fly 3 x 10 superseted with press ups to failure
flat bench press 4x 8 pause reps superseted with dumbell pull overs 4 x8
cable flys 3 x 10

supps ---still on just protien shakes

gear ---
tri tren 450mg EW
tri test 400mg EW

todays food

meal 1 -- protien shake and peach
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and banana
meal 3--- chicken and veg splash gravy aswell
meal 4 -- missed this meal busy tut tut
meal 5 -- salmon salad
meal 6 -- scrambled eggs x 3 and beans
last night got home from work and kids had made the most awsome choclolate cake so had slice couldnt say no to the kids as they made right effort well thats the excuse im useing

andyebs 06-16-2015 09:06 AM
The cake I couldn't resist and one of salmon salad

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stillgoingstron 06-16-2015 01:03 PM

Oh well. The salmon salad made up for the cake. That's what I'd say!

toon22 06-16-2015 08:22 PM


andyebs 06-17-2015 10:41 AM

tue 16/06/2015

wide crip pull down 3 x10
close crip cable row 3 x10
dealifts 3 x10
barbell row 3x 10
inverted row 3 x failure

supps ---no supps last protien shake at breakfast and run out no pay till weds next week tuna will have to replace morning shake but hey prob better anway and going to skip it after workout see how goes

gear ---
tri tren 450mg EW
tri test 400mg EW

todays food

meal 1 -- protien shake and peach
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and banana
meal 3--- salmon salad
meal 4 -- greek yogart and cut up kiwi fruit the stuff been useing late is greek style and this is now the true greek more protein and better
meal 5 -- tuna salad i know salad all time i did say to misses low carb and she sticking to it
meal 6 -- scrambled eggs
snack- corner type normal yougart and spoon of peanut butter just got munches in evening dam weed my advice dont smoke weed when trying to cut still quite clean though what i really wanted was another slice of the cake

andyebs 06-18-2015 12:56 PM

weds 17/06/2015

barbell press 3 x 10
arnold press 3x10 seperset with side raise 2 x10
rear delt machine 4 x10
leg raises 4 x failure
side dips 3 x10
incline sit ups 4 x failure
i dont normally do abs but done delt workout and finished with time so thought id chuck in some abs only to realize when leaving gym i do traps with delts thats why had time so will have to fit in sometime

gear ---
tri tren 450mg EW
tri test 400mg EW

todays food

meal 1 -- protein smoothy had some unflavoured protien so made smoothy with fruit
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and banana
meal 3--- tuna salad
meal 4 -- greek yogart and raspberrrys and strawberrys
meal 5 -- fillet steak with scrambled eggs and 5 beans
meal 6 -- salmon with cream chees and chive toasted sandwich
snack- 1 slice peanut butter on toast

andyebs 06-22-2015 04:39 PM

missed thrs and fri but normal sort of stuff weekend was clean aswell bar carb day on sunday

mon 22/06/2015

flat barbell press 15,8,8,8
incline press 8,8,8 both presses done slow with pause at bottom of press
flat flys 3x10 suerset with dumbell pullovers 3 x10
incline fly 3x8 superset with pressups till failure witch at this point was about 8 lmao shocked at myself

supps ---zero still broke

gear ---
t3 50 per day taken twice
back on the clen 80mg split throughout day
tri tren 450mg EW
tri test 400mg EW

todays food

meal 1 -- smoothie with unflavoured powder stawberrys that sort of thing
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and banana
meal 3--- mice beef and veg basically
meal 4 -- smoothie again
meal 5 -- egg muffins and peach
meal 6 -- working late at work wont get main meal till home

cardio well have couple hours to burn before can start job may as well go gym
20mins cross trainer
10mins row machine
then abs work
leg raises
alt sit ups
ball side to side
wieghted twists

andyebs 06-24-2015 07:59 AM

tue 23/06/2015

wide grip pull down 3 x10
close grip cable rows 3 x 10
deadlifts 3x8
barbell rows 3 x 10
iverted rows 3 x failure

gear ---
t3 50 per day taken twice
clen 80mg split throughout day
tri tren 450mg EW
tri test 400mg EW

todays food

meal 1 -- smoothie with unflavoured powder kiwi and pineapple
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and banana
meal 3--- chicken and veg
meal 4 -- greek yougart and half peach
meal 5 -- egg muffins
meal 6 -- tuna salad
salmon and cream cheese toastie
nuts and grapes
got hungry this eve so snacked

cardio working overtime again
20mins cross trainer
10 mins treadmill
my advice dont run on treadmill my knee has been fine squated on it some good wieght been out running with dog all no problems run on treadmill for ten mins and starts twicthing and playing up and really felt wrong
cardio outdoors always from now on

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