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Barman 03-26-2013 11:40 PM

Good advice from Topsy_Krets. mix it up dont always try and train heavy for yourself mix it up higher reps for a while like said about maybe up ur carbs a bit if you want to break through it can help. get ur mind in the zone the oul ronnie lightweight jab let your angry out its all in your mind theres no cant only WILL being very postive can push you through alot even pain you want that pain (in the muscle not the joint clearly)

ventana 03-27-2013 12:13 AM

Dude, maybe your grip is to close while benching?
Are you sure you're eating enough?

I'm eating all day long at the time - it works for me - I'm consistently getting stronger every week. Hit 200 pounds on incline for 5 solid reps this week. I'm pretty excited about that.

Like I said - make sure you eat enough, recover well and maybe vary your grip?

Hope this helps a little - keep pushin man!

slimeball 03-27-2013 10:21 PM

i dont think its gripwise since i put my pinkies on the indent/smooth line that most bars have. it could be an eating problem though since i go to school. i wake up at 6 have some whole wheat toast at 7:10 with a glass of milk. then at school eat at 1130 which is an apple, some trailmix with no chocolate (peanuts, almonds, cranberries, cashews), and a nutragrain bar. i try to eat somewhat healthy. then on the drive to the gym (10 minutes) i eat a nutragrain or trail mix bar. so i mean is that enough carbs

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