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Haze 04-24-2010 08:55 PM

arnolds true cycle?
arnold schwarzenegger cycle

prbly not lol?

Arnold Schwarzenegger cycle

Cornish_Celt 04-24-2010 09:46 PM

not sure if that was his cycle or not! but it is one that i would want to try, but not so high on the dbol!

quickgains 04-26-2010 06:19 AM

I've read he took a lot of dbol and loved primo so I guess it might be true. For my next cycle I will try primo at 800mg/week in combination with test and dbol and will see how it works for me.

Haze 04-26-2010 02:32 PM

you and cc both, i'd like to know how it goes... i'm really thinking about using primo next cycle but i'd be at lower dosages :p

mr.bean 04-27-2010 08:20 AM

I just finished primo,test and dbol cyle. I used primo@600mg/week but for next time doses will be at least 800mg/week. Anyway I am very happy with results.:)

ajish2012 05-09-2010 11:07 AM

A word of advice for all those people who are eager to know the answer for this thread. I have been a fitness instructor for the past twelve years and I know this field. Let me be clear about this. OK! Arnold or any other guy on those days never really had a proper cycle. It was just too confusing for them. Secondly, those of you who are goingto take steroids think one more time, what it is that you want to achieve in life. Is your whole life built for the purpose of getting freakishingly muscular. Is that what's about? Please! Life is mire than this and trust me you will only suffer taking all this in the later stages of your life. I may sound like Jesus Christ for you right now but after twenty or thirty years you will get to know that I am right!

Robbie 05-09-2010 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by ajish2012 (Post 3253)
A word of advice for all those people who are eager to know the answer for this thread. I have been a fitness instructor for the past twelve years and I know this field. Let me be clear about this. OK! Arnold or any other guy on those days never really had a proper cycle. It was just too confusing for them. Secondly, those of you who are goingto take steroids think one more time, what it is that you want to achieve in life. Is your whole life built for the purpose of getting freakishingly muscular. Is that what's about? Please! Life is mire than this and trust me you will only suffer taking all this in the later stages of your life. I may sound like Jesus Christ for you right now but after twenty or thirty years you will get to know that I am right!

Bro all your posts have been anti steroids ?! if your a fitness instructor and know this field then you should also know that steroids have no long term bad effects if used correctly and if monitored correctly, if people wish to use steroids it is there choice , we are here to help those who have made the decision to use steroids , use them safely.
We are here to help people get informative and educated information not to preach steroids are evil ...

Cornish_Celt 05-09-2010 12:19 PM

Personally i'm glad there are sites like this one, at least i know that i can get the right information rather than going into taking steroids, blind!
We are here to help and advise people who wish to take steroids as well as those who don't! If anyone ask's me for info i will gladly give that info because at least i will know that he now has the correct information and can decide for him/her self! If we where not here to advise people what do you think would happen? Do you think that they wouldn't take steroids??? If you think that they will not, then i would suggest that you think again!
If they do not have good up to date information then they will not know what to do!
Then it would be trial and error and alot more dead athletes.
I understand that you have your own opinion and that is fine, and if you don't like the idea of people using anabolic steroids that is also fine everyone is entitled to they're own opinion.
But this site is dedicated to helping bodybuilders and other athletes by providing them with the relevent information, and that includes the use of steroids!!!
We give this information so they can do it SAFELY!
I would rather share my knowledge and know that people will learn from it.
You say you've been a fitness instructor for 12 years and that you know this field,
How do you know this field?
Have you used steroids?
How did you get the knowledge you have on steroids?
Was it by trial and error or was it through reading up on the subject,
If it was the latter then that is exactly what the guys on this forum are doing!
Finding out about it then making up they're own minds!

ajish2012 05-09-2010 03:16 PM

Let your beliefs save you all!

Robbie 05-09-2010 03:19 PM

whats that meant to mean ?

Cornish_Celt 05-09-2010 03:24 PM

Do you really believe that your so much better than everyone else?
Where are you from ajish2012?

Rex 05-09-2010 05:02 PM

almost like a spammer...lmao, steroids isnt a miracle drug you still need to eat and train healthy, nothing wrong with a little boost to help you achieve your goals, use it dont abuse it;) and you will be fine


Cornish_Celt 05-09-2010 05:04 PM

He was a spammer Rex, he just got banned!

bostonpaul 05-11-2010 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 3041)
not sure if that was his cycle or not! but it is one that i would want to try, but not so high on the dbol!

Ha ha I would count of having too much sex during that bridge lol

bostonpaul 05-11-2010 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by mr.bean (Post 3073)
I just finished primo,test and dbol cyle. I used primo@600mg/week but for next time doses will be at least 800mg/week. Anyway I am very happy with results.:)

How long bro was you using the Primo?

bostonpaul 05-11-2010 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by ajish2012 (Post 3260)
Let your beliefs save you all!

I wouldn't go as far as to say juice is great for you, but "WHY-are-you-here Bro?

Most of the horror stories you hear are blown up by the media and one sided.

When Lyle Alzado died is doctors were asked by press members, "did he die from steroids?"
NOT-one-doctor, would say any such thing. The man had cancer like many men his age. Lyle Alzodo by his own admission was hit very HARD in the head dozens of times and he also used steroids recklessly for two decades non stop in ridiculous amounts. There is no proof steroids had anything to do with his cancer. And if it did, because sure, its possible, he didnt use responcibly. I
Same thing whith Chris Benwa the wrestler....."he killed his family while on a
Roid Rage"

So why haven't the other 100 pro wrestlers on steroids killed people?

I wrote an article not long ago on this subject and showed the stats of how many people die each year from tobacco and alcohol and its staggering, while there is NO proof anyone died from steroid use in those same years, Vs 100,000snds of people dieing from tobacco. I understand that using steroids on a pro team while others are not allowed is cheating...but WHY would you or any government want to put otherwise law abiding citizens in jail with criminals because they want to build big muscles at the local gym? If it were not for baseball players getting caught using steroids you wouldnt even hear about it in the news. Noone would even care.

I spoke to a HRT doctor just this week and he was impressed with my knowledge of proper PCT and told me he has had dozens of middle aged men come to him after using steroids with absolutely no knowledge of PCT, anti estrogens, how to prevent gyno, and prostate trouble, how to deal with progesterone or any of it. The reason? In part, anti steroids factions purposely surpress this information from would-be users, and rather resort to scare tactics. By doing that you are misinforming the public.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am not even saying that I agree or do not agree, the point is you brought your argument to the wrong venue.

We are not here to debate steroid use. We do not encourage it either. But those who are using can find valuable information here on how to use steroids safely. We dont supress information.

You way of preaching is like telling teens that the only safe sex is no sex.

You tell them that because you mean well, but in the end what do you end up with?

Kids screwing without condoms!

Robbie 05-12-2010 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by bostonpaul (Post 3316)
I wouldn't go as far as to say juice is great for you, but "WHY-are-you-here Bro?

Most of the horror stories you hear are blown up by the media and one sided.

When Lyle Alzado died is doctors were asked by press members, "did he die from steroids?"
NOT-one-doctor, would say any such thing. The man had cancer like many men his age. Lyle Alzodo by his own admission was hit very HARD in the head dozens of times and he also used steroids recklessly for two decades non stop in ridiculous amounts. There is no proof steroids had anything to do with his cancer. And if it did, because sure, its possible, he didnt use responcibly. I
Same thing whith Chris Benwa the wrestler....."he killed his family while on a
Roid Rage"

So why haven't the other 100 pro wrestlers on steroids killed people?

I wrote an article not long ago on this subject and showed the stats of how many people die each year from tobacco and alcohol and its staggering, while there is NO proof anyone died from steroid use in those same years, Vs 100,000snds of people dieing from tobacco. I understand that using steroids on a pro team while others are not allowed is cheating...but WHY would you or any government want to put otherwise law abiding citizens in jail with criminals because they want to build big muscles at the local gym? If it were not for baseball players getting caught using steroids you wouldnt even hear about it in the news. Noone would even care.

I spoke to a HRT doctor just this week and he was impressed with my knowledge of proper PCT and told me he has had dozens of middle aged men come to him after using steroids with absolutely no knowledge of PCT, anti estrogens, how to prevent gyno, and prostate trouble, how to deal with progesterone or any of it. The reason? In part, anti steroids factions purposely surpress this information from would-be users, and rather resort to scare tactics. By doing that you are misinforming the public.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am not even saying that I agree or do not agree, the point is you brought your argument to the wrong venue.

We are not here to debate steroid use. We do not encourage it either. But those who are using can find valuable information here on how to use steroids safely. We dont supress information.

You way of preaching is like telling teens that the only safe sex is no sex.

You tell them that because you mean well, but in the end what do you end up with?

Kids screwing without condoms!

REALLY nice post bro , sums it all up !! :)

Cornish_Celt 05-12-2010 08:36 AM

Excellent post Bp

Robbie 05-24-2010 04:42 PM

hes banned now anyway lol

ironwedge 10-23-2010 12:03 AM

i too am thankful for this forum,just read how to take cycles safty thanx a bunch brothers of the gym.:p

ironwedge 10-23-2010 12:05 AM

i too am thankful for this forum,just read how to take cycles saftley thanx a bunch brothers of the gym.:p

admin 10-23-2010 09:56 AM

you are welcome bro, let us know your questions and how we may help you, knowledge is power here.

mr.bean 10-29-2010 07:26 AM

personally I like primo :)

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