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ActiveTom 07-28-2011 10:40 PM

Looking for a new routine, 3x a week
Hey gents! Just got back from 2 weeks in Malia so my bodyfat is very low (I ran low on money, so ate less so I could drink more), but kept working out and using my protein powder so I've not lost much mass, just my lifts are a little low because all my workouts were using elastic bands.

Now the holidays are over for me, I am going on a very long, hard bulk.

I'm looking for a good programme to use. I feel 3x a week is what I have gained the most from, but I have not done a 3x full body workout before, I tended to go for push, pull, legs (with abs), but now my mind is open.

Any recommendations based on personal experience?

Lastly, I am getting fairly close to where I want to be with regards to lifts before I start my first cycle. I was PBing quite often before I went on holiday, so once I get back to the PBing and trail off to a plateau, thats when I feel I may be ready. What do you think? I can supply any info or pics if anyone wants to help me decide whether I am ready for my first test cycle.

SkinnyGuy 07-28-2011 11:01 PM

hope you had a good time in Malia

I do three days on one day off I do Delts traps legs, bis and back and triceps chest but I think the HIT program is similar to what your describing if you want to check it out.

in order for these guys to determine whether or not your ready for gear they will need to know you Age, height, weight and body fat. but from what i remember of your other post i think your older and as long as you body fat is below 15% and your not a tard in the gym you should be gtg...

ActiveTom 07-29-2011 03:59 AM

24 years old, 6ft 0, about 78kg, 13% bodyfat, maybe 12 now.

Ive been lifting a long time, so I'm ok with all the exercises, but squats are one I have avoided until recently, but my form is good enough now so I can do parallel 100kg without worrying. I was always aiming for an athletic, lean build before, so I never really aimed for mass, rather, power:weight ratio. I could just crank out bodyweight exercises until I got bored, which was nice, but obviously, being a mutant is way better.

Ive been aiming for mass for a while, but obviously this will be the first time I'm training for complete mass for the entire autumn, winter, spring. I've decided theres no limit to the mass I want. I'm hoping to compete in a couple of years.

I saw the 3x a week full body routine in the sticky on here. I'm interested in that as well as any routines anyone has to offer. I am looking for some workouts which will prepare me for a cycle, or workouts which will remain similar once on cycle in format (obviously I'd be in the gym more often when on cycle). I dont want to overtrain so 3x a week is what I will be doing, but realistically it will be every other day training with an extra day off if I am too sore from a workout, so the extra rest day is flexible.

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