Originally Posted by GunnyGunnderson
looking good mate! diet seems to be working well for ya. you still on that high EQ low test run? i remember a while ago when you were setting it up, how'd it work?
Hey mate nah I decided to just stay on a low dose of test as I just finished a "cycle" + money was an issue bills lots of birthdays etc...
Once I get paid im ordered my next cycle that will be a mix of Test, Deca, Tren and Masteron might throw an oral in il see doe will be my biggest blast ive stayed pretty low over all on my gear but hearing a lot of guys after a while bumping up everything so yeah want results up everything food training rest and gear as I said just started back 110% training around 2hours a day up to two muscles 4-5 days a week with lots of food will be uping everything over the next week till I reach this point again feeling great so far infact the pictures of me there im around 197lb the other ones I put up durning the week I was 201 or 202 lb so I did lose some weight mix of fat, water and muscle will be back in no time and beyond!

thanks again mate for the interest.