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Old 07-02-2021, 06:14 AM
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Default Etho-Primobolan 100

Primobolan (Methenolone) is a unique steroid in several ways including that it’s one of the few you can get in both oral and injectable forms. It is one of the best suited steroids for females, and despite its low anabolic rating it is still a sought after steroid by people who know exactly what they want to use it for, and how to use it for maximum effect.

Methenolone was originally developed to treat medical conditions that caused muscle wasting. This highlights how effective this compound is at preventing loss of muscle, which is a highly desirable trait for any bodybuilder or athlete.

While not a powerful bulking steroid and one that won’t contribute much to size gain in most men, it is an excellent cutting compound due to the way Primobolan is able to help retain lean muscle tissue mainly through the process of increasing nitrogen retention.

Primobolan is a steroid that comes both in oral and injectable forms, with the injection tending to be more popular with performance athletes. It’s been said that Primobolan was a favored steroid used by Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime and this is likely one of the reasons it remains popular with bodybuilders today.

Finding high quality and genuine Primobolan can be a challenge with counterfeits being common, particularly with the oral form. So before you even consider using Primobolan, make sure you can source it from a reliable supplier.

Depot is the name of the injectable form of Primobolan. It is considered to be a more effective and slightly more powerful form of Primobolan, but the effects are still similar to the oral form and it remains a relatively mild steroid compared with most others out there.

Just like oral Primobolan, Depot isn’t a mass gaining steroid but provides the most benefit during cutting cycles where you need to retain maximum muscle while burning fat and eating a lower calorie diet.

Females are more likely not to choose Primobolan Depot as the oral form is generally better tolerated and controlled with a lower risk of side effects.
Methenolone Acetate (Oral Primobolan)

The oral form of Primobolan is Methenolone Acetate in chemical form, with the acetate being a small ester attached to the Methenolone hormone so it can be consumed in oral form. Unlike many other oral steroids, Primobolan doesn’t come with the high risk of liver toxicity; in fact there are virtually no known causes of liver stress or damage caused by this steroid.

The mild anabolic effects of oral Primobolan make it an ideal choice for women who can see excellent results at low doses with relatively low risk of virilization side effects compared with other steroids. While oral Primobolan can also be effective for male users, many men will prefer the injectable Depot version which is considered to be more effective.

Due to the difficulty in obtaining high quality Primobolan, not everyone will have the option to choose between oral or depot, with the choice often resting simply on what you are able to obtain. Cost will also be a factor in your decision between the two formats, as this can be a very expensive steroid to run.

It’s not unusual for a 50mg tablet to cost $3.50 each from a quality underground lab or $25 per 100mg ml of Primobolan depot. These costs must be considered before planning which format you wish to use and whether you can afford an entire cycle in combination with any other steroids you plan to stack Primobolan with.
Primobolan Benefits (Primobolan Effects)

Primobolan is derived from DHT so you can expect it to have a lot of the same properties and effects as that hormone including the benefit of it not being an aromatizing hormone. This makes it a powerful compound for cutting because you can achieve a very cut and lean look without the bloating caused by fluid retention.

Here are the main benefits and effects of Primobolan:

Promotes nitrogen retention: this is what makes Primobolan so useful for retaining muscle tissue during a cutting cycle and what makes it the main reason people use this steroid.
Enhances immune system: this is an important side benefit because we as steroid users need the immune system to be as strong as possible for maximum strength, energy, mental focus and all round health. During a cutting cycle in particular where you are eating less, the immune system can take a hit and this is where Primobolan brings some extra benefit during a cutting cycle.
Gain a lead and hard physique: with its ability to promote the preservation of lean muscle without the side effects we must dread when losing fat – water retention and gyno – Primobolan is an excellent compound to use when achieving the ultimate hard, toned and defined physique is the main goal.

Here are the areas where Primobolan is not going to be your ideal steroid to use:

For bulking and mass gains: Primobolan has mild anabolic properties so is not primarily used for gaining muscle and size in a bulking cycle.
Strength: Again due to its lower anabolic rating compared with many other steroids, only mild gains in strength can be expected so if you’re looking for massive strength gains there are other steroids that will suit you instead of Primobolan.

Primobolan Dosage

Because of its relatively low anabolic rating, using Primobolan with any benefits normally means dosing it at a higher level than we might for most other steroids. These higher doses still only make Primobolan most effective for cutting cycles, as the dosing required for bulking would be too high to be practical or healthy.

Whatever your goals are, Primobolan is almost always stacked with other steroid compounds as it tends to have little beneficial effect when used alone for most men, but can be effective for women.
Injectable Primobolan (Primobolan Depot) Dosage

Injecting Primobolan gives you the best effects of this steroid and is the option most serious users will want to consider. It stacks well particularly with other non-aromatizing steroids that can often be conveniently administered in the same injection.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Dosage

Using injectable Primobolan during a cutting cycle will have the same goals no matter what your experience level is: namely to preserve your lean muscle while you’re on a calorie restricted diet to lose fat. The gaining of new muscle isn’t desirable at this stage and Primobolan is not a muscle gainer, even at higher doses.

Beginners can see good results with injectable Primobolan at 400mg weekly and this is considered to be the lowest effective dose – any lower and Primobolan is unlikely to have a noticeable benefit.

Intermediate users can increase the weekly dosage to 700mg, with advanced Primobolan users able to inject up to 1000mg while still retaining minimal side effect risks.

Splitting the dosage into a twice weekly injection is the standard procedure and this will ensure your blood levels of Primobolan remain at the optimal level.
Proper Administration and Timing

Injectable Primobolan has a much longer half life than the oral form at up to ten days, so daily administration is not needed to retain levels of the steroid.

Twice weekly injections work well for most people and ensure that Primobolan is maintained at an optimal level for the duration of your cycle. This means splitting your dose in half each week and making sure that there is a consistent gap between each injection, usually of three days.
Female Dosage

The mild anabolic effects of Primobolan can suit female users well as this steroid is nowhere near as powerful as many others. Women using Primobolan can expect quality performance and physique enhancement results using low doses which are unlikely to produce the masculinization that are such a high risk with most other steroids.

A daily dose of between 50mg and 100mg is more than enough for female users to get excellent benefits with low risks of side effects. More advanced females can increase the injectable dose up to 200mg but need to be aware of the higher risk of virilization.
Oral Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate) Dosage

The oral form of Primobolan is clearly preferable for anyone who is hesitant about injecting themselves with steroids, but it’s well known that despite the compound being the same besides the attached ester, oral Primobolan is not quite as effective as the injection and this can just be to do with how its taken up by the body.

In any case, if the oral form is the only one you can get your hands on or you simply don’t want to deal with injections then it’s still well worth using as long as you get your doses right optimized for best results.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Dosage

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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