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Old 10-07-2017, 04:55 PM
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Angry Dragon Pharma Cyp not 10 ML

I tried this product out since Kappa was sold out. I wanted to make you aware. With all four vials they are about 1.5 ML short. My first vial I almost got 9 doses of 1 ML each. I chaulked it up to me mishandling the dose. On my second I was precise and ended up with 8 doses and barely .3 MLs left. So on my third and fourth I drew all the syringes at once to make sure it wasn’t drying up or something while it sat waiting for my next draw. I got exactly 8 doses and I was using the .3 MLs from the 2nd vial along with this vial. Same story on my fourth. I was able to draw 8 doses. I can understand a few 10th of a ML missing due to waste left in the needle body or whatever but not 1.5 to 2 ML. They are cheating you and me and everyone else buying them.
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