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Old 11-10-2016, 09:17 AM
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Default Andy a cycle log

Thought I'd share it if my cycle in small log

Cycle is
Wk1-5 anadrol 100mg Ed dragon
Wk1-16 test e 750mg ew kalpa
Wk1-16 deca 750mg ew dragon

So far on week two and loving the anadrol

Will update with. It's and bobs and any questions just fire away
This is aiming to be a clean bulk (I do chuckle every time say that and I end up fat )
But so far I have been very good
Fucking sick of eating already though getting lots of food if dirty food is easy lots of clean food is hard and forcing it in
Training with new partner and he's beast really pushing me as I'm trying to keep up with him so training has felt more intense than ever
There is no plan though we seem to just go and push hard you get what reps you get never stop at a curtain rep because a program says just push till can't go anymore and every training session I can't get another rep out

Added bit of gear porn some already opened as said started already
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