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Old 06-17-2016, 02:29 PM
Oxyjen Oxyjen is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 41
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Quick update:
I went up 10 lbs on my deadlift the other day which was fun. Yesterday while training shoulders with my BF he said he could definitely tell my shoulders are getting much bigger. He was amazed actually. So that made me REALLY happy. My shoulders have been jerks to try to grow so they are responding very well. I have also gained a full inch on my glutes and my quads. Some is most likely fat but I don't think all of it is.
Since I increased my dosage to 15 MG i feel like what I would imagine a teenage boy feels like. I am a walking horndog. I also have had a increase in acne. Both are very tolerable.
Overall I am feeling very strong and eager to get to the gym each day.
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