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Old 06-07-2016, 09:46 PM
Oxyjen Oxyjen is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
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I'm on week 6 now. This week I bumped my dosage up to 15mg splitting it up 3 times a day. I have been taking the 2nd dose before I train and I will say the pumps are off the chart.
Feeling strong especially on bench and dumbbell chest presses.
Still sweating like a mofo. I don't remember sweating this much on my last cycle it's crazy. I usually try to go two days between hair washing but I just can't do that now. Acne hasn't been bad this time either. Hopefully it doesn't show up since I increased the dose.
My period came a week early out of nowhere. (Sorry guys, but this is to help females lol). I am usually pretty regular so that was odd.
Libido still going real strong. I can't say I hate that side effect.
So overall right now all is great. I'm up to 143lbs. Haven't gained a ton of fat. My diet is pretty clean although I will have a day on the weekend when i eat what I want. I haven't had my body fat checked and I don't really plan to until I start prep again in December.
That's all I have for now 😊

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