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Old 05-12-2016, 01:36 AM
Oxyjen Oxyjen is offline
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Day 11.... Today was my heavy leg day and I can say I was feeling nice and strong. Squats felt real good and easy. I was able to do more reps and start out heavier than usual. I was looking forward to testing that out all day and everything felt great.
I did start to feel a little bit of a lower back pump towards the end of my squats and once I started doing good mornings I definitely started feeling it.
My guess is, in about 7 days the juice should be loose and I expect some good PRs coming up in my near future.
I'm eating at about a 400 + calorie surplus right now and haven't added too much body fat.
So far the only side I am seeing are night sweats. I wake up soaked on some nights. I was feeling tired up until today so that could be hormones doing their thing. I did have one pimple on my shoulder. Hopefully I don't get much acne. My first cycle I ended up breaking out on my booty and that sucked.

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