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Old 11-13-2015, 10:24 AM
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Default Why Do We Crave Junk Food When We Diet?

good read so thought post it

I was recently asked by a client how to get over sugar cravings and it got me thinking – can we help other people with this information? Well here it is…
Your cravings are because your brain is used to the endorphin high it gets from ingestion of sugary junk foods.

Endorphins are among the brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which function to transmit electrical signals within the nervous system.

At least 20 types of endorphins have been demonstrated in humans. Endorphins are the natural opiate analogues found in our bodies which resemble morphine and Heroin.

Endorphins are what give you that happy feeling they get after you eat sugar/junk food. All-in-all endorphins are a completely natural body relaxer; it takes the stress out of a busy day.

Furthermore, there is a system in our brain called the reward system.

This system was designed to “reward” us when we do things that encourage our survival. This includes primal behaviors like eating sugary/fatty foods.

The brain knows that when we eat, we’re doing something “right,” and releases a bunch of feel-good chemicals in the reward system, such as the neurotransmitter dopamine – interpreted by our brains as pleasure. This is why many women get such a high off chocolate – sugars and fat together in one – our dopamine receptors light up like a Christmas tree!

The brain is hardwired to seek out behaviors that release dopamine in the reward system.

The problem with modern junk foods is that they can cause a reward that is way more powerful than an ything we were ever exposed to in nature.

Whereas eating an apple or a piece of steak might cause a moderate release of dopamine, eating a pizza, a bar of chocolate, bags of M&M’s, donuts, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream etc is so incredibly rewarding that it releases a massive amount of dopamine – the brain literally is in what it regards as survival heaven!

The issue is, the brain is very clever. It knows when too much dopamine is in the system and to keep things balanced down regulates the dopamine receptors.

When you have fewer dopamine receptors, your body needs more junk to feel rewarded, so you have to start eating more and more to get the same high… and when you actually eat less (for example when you start dieting) you actually can start to feel down and the body starts getting feelings of withdrawal, in the exact same manner that one would get from drugs such as heroin that stimulates the same receptors.

At this point, the cravings/need for junk/sugar are signs of physical addiction.

This of course is an overly simplified manner of how addiction works, but is the exact reason you may struggle to get over missing your sugar/junk fix.

One needs to work past this to get the body used to no sugar hits, and so includes not nibbling on anything sweet to stimulate endorphin/dopamine receptors.

If it comes unbearable, at a push diet coke/pepsi/pepsi max or similar, or, sugar free jelly can be a go to.

HOWEVER it may however slow the time it takes for your cravings to subside – it would be wise to give it a few weeks and simply push past those cravings, to make it easier for oneself.

Remember each time you give in, it will take longer for you to get over the need for the next hit.

Stay strong, and away from the junk food.

A moments pleasure will delay and stop your progress each time you give in.

Is that little nibble really worth it?
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