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Old 07-16-2015, 06:04 AM
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Default Dissecting the "National Geographic" Documentary on Anabolic Steroids Effects

As someone who is trying to learn as much as he can about steroids, the below video was new to me. Needless to say, the story that was told in this National Geographic Documentary on Anabolic Steroids Effect was interesting.

Sure, nothing in the side effects is something I haven't read before; however, the documentary did not off much in the way of opposing views.

What are your thought, if you have any. We know we can treat the Gyno, and PCT symptoms, but what about the cholesterol issue, the shrinking of the testicals, and potential damage to the liver and kidneys. What does one do about acne?

Do you suggest blood pressure test to catch the higher blood pressure?
Should one get their cholesterol tested? If so, how often?

Are there ways of reducing these sides or dangers.

I'm fully aware that this was a doc with a biased point of view, but isn't it worth a discussion, if nothing more than to be aware of how to mitigate risks.

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