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Old 07-15-2015, 09:09 PM
pullstrong pullstrong is offline
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Originally Posted by new-Jedi View Post
Pullstrong, Oh wow, that's a serious partY. LOL! I'd be useless on that stuff.
Lol yeah man, I kicked my addiction two years ago. I started taking the stuff in 2009 when a friend of mine gave me some while working at his nutrition shop, I was hooked. I wasnt a big alcohol drinker so I figured this would be a better alternative, boy I was wrong. I advanced further in the supplement industry, rubbing elbows with some of the bigger names in the industry and they were all doing it. Going to bodybuilding shows and doing demos all while under the influence of the stuff, then hitting the bars and strip clubs for the after parties. It fucked up my serotonin levels and I couldnt sleep anymore at night so I took it before bed. When I woke up I was dreading of facing the day and seeing people so before I head out of the house I would take a shot of it just so I could bring myself to talk to people, and when it would start to wear off Id take another shot of it, when I was really having a rough day and couldnt bring myself to face even my family, I would take so much of it that I would black out. A lot of 2010-2013 is fuzzy for me, I can hardly remember things, it was a dark time.
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