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Old 08-13-2014, 02:20 AM
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Default New and need help

I need some help getting to the next level. I'm 50 and have been consistently lifting hard for one year. I've done this at different times over my life for two to three years at a clip. I've never had the results I wanted. First of all I'm an ectomorph and it seems damn near impossible to get real size.

I work out at least 4 times per week and do lots, probably too much cardio. I push hard and I feel good. But I don't have the growth I'd like. In know it takes time!!! This is my priority, I cut work and everything else to get to gym.

Here's where I need help:

1. I don't have a workout partner. I try to work to failure, but it's hard without a partner, not sure this is enough if I don't have partner helping me get the most out of sets. I probably won't have a partner as I work and get to gym when I get off, this is different times each day. Advice?

2. I plan on doing cycle bout 6 months from now. I'm recording my workouts between now and then to make sure I have good numbers to work from. Not worried about what gear to use now, will figure that out in a couple months. I'm using an iPhone app called "strong". Any recommendations on this or other apps to record workouts.

3. It's confusing, there seems to be as many people saying to work three days per week as there are saying work 5 days per week. I seem to burn out every other week, so I think I'll cut back number of days. Advice?

4. I have no pcl in left knee. Haven't had for 25 years. Doesn't seem to be as critical as acl and I don't arthritis or daily pain from this. I know I can't blast squats or lunges without damage. I do light machine squats without issue. What excercises for same muscles with minimum impact here. I'm going to push it just want best advice. Are good mornings or dead lifts with light squats adequate to build these muscles and are they easier on knees. Any advice here is appreciated.

5. I'm always starving. I eat good. Lots of protien, no supplements. I go to bed and get right back up to eat, because I'm starving. I drink lots of water. Make fruit and vegetable smoothies every day with nutrabullet. If I'm at home, I'm constantly eating. Although I've been slowly losing weight because I spend about two hours at gym or bicycle 30 miles or do HIIT on treadmill each day. Very few off days.

Weight - 200
Little bit of extra gut but not fat.
My typical routines are as follows:
Chest/tri - three exercises each muscle 10 -12 reps
Back/bi - same as above
Shoulders - 4 exercises 10 - 12 reps
Legs- my weak point as I have trouble with selecting exercises with pcl issue. Light squats and other light exercises, got to get this right!
30 minutes of cardio (minimum every workout)
Abs - every other workout

Again I've always been a very hard gainer. I feel good and want to make this happen. I've always done everything intensely, sports, drugs and alcohol(unfortunately), bikes, etc.. I have the scars to remind me of this. Of course this lifestyle has left me single at this point in my life. This is great for me, I don't care about these things anymore. Just want to get bigger than I've ever been. I've never cycled before, but I believe it's safe and I'm going to do it. That seems to be what I need to do to get over the hump. Just want to be in best position to do this in the near future.

Any comments or advice are appreciated.
"It doesn't matter what you go through as long as you go through it and come out the other side!"
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