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Old 04-01-2014, 01:12 PM
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Diet Considerations

For GH to exhibit its fat burning effects, insulin must NOT be present. Insulin release in the body is caused mainly by consuming carbohydrates, although all types of macronutrients (carbs, fat and protein) still cause the release of insulin to some extent. Since HGH Frag works by causing the body to break down and release stored fat for use as energy, if you have recently consumed calories (food or beverage) your body will just use that for energy instead and little extra fat will be burnt. If however there is no food present for the body to use as energy, it will use the stored fat which the HGH Frag has caused to be released and you will notice reductions in body fat over the ensuing weeks.

Due to CJC-1295 DAC's long half-life the timing of meals is not important and this is what makes it an appealing addition to HGH Frag 176-191 to accelerate fat loss. To get the most out of your peptide usage for fat loss, the following guidelines should be followed:

Avoid eating/drinking anything with calories for three (3) hours either side of your injection.
Try to make all your meals throughout the day high protein, low fat and low carbohydrates (eg. meat/fish with vegetables/salad).
Have as few meals as possible during the day as periods of fasting have been shown in many studies to improve fat loss and also longevity (i.e. eating less will make you live longer).

Sample Peptide Cycles


HGH Frag 176-191 at 250-500mcg per day.


HGH Frag 176-191 at 250-500mcg per day + CJC-1295 DAC at 300mcg per day or;
HGH Frag 176-191 at 250-500mcg per day + Modified GRF 1-29 at 100-300mcg per day (split into dosages of 100mcg)

Example Injection Routines

Example 1 - Night Time Injection (recommended)
Ensure you do not eat or drink anything containing calories within three (3) hours of going to bed (with the exception of water, diet sodas, coffee/tea with artificial sweeteners).
Take your HGH Frag 176-191 injection just before getting into bed and your body will therefore be burning stored fat for the duration of your sleep.
If possible, do some cardio first thing in the morning and wait as long as possible before having breakfast to allow the fat burning to continue throughout the morning/day.

Example 2 - Morning Injection
Wake up and inject your HGH Frag 176-191 (250mcg to 500mcg is a good dosage depending on your budget).
Wait as long as possible before having your first meal (the longer you wait the more fat you will burn).
When you do eat, try to make the meal high protein, low fat and low carbohydrate (example meat and salad/vegetables).
If possible, try to do some cardio in the hours after your injection to increase the fat burning effect.

Note: If you are a person concerned about loss of muscle mass, you can consume a small amount of protein every 2-3 hours (amino acid tablets such as EAA and BCAA are good for this purpose and can be purchased from any health food shop or ordered online). However there is little reason to be concerned about muscle loss because when fat is available for energy, such as following HGH Frag 176-191 injections, protein and therefore muscle mass are spared.

Adding CJC-1295 DAC
You can add CJC-1295 DAC at 2mg once per week (or 300mcg each day along with your HGH Frag 176-191 injections - they can be mixed in the same syringe without any issues). You should take a break from CJC-1295 DAC every few months to give your pituitary gland a rest at which time you can continue to use HGH Frag 176-191 on its own, or you can substitute the CJC-1295 DAC with the short acting Modified GRF 1-29 at 100-300mcg per day (split into injections of 100mcg).
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