Thread: Cycle Review
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Old 02-11-2014, 01:16 PM
biggin biggin is offline
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Originally Posted by h4x0r2986 View Post
you guys are wonderful, thanks for the input. I think ill stay low on the tren dose just to acclimate myself and see how i respond.

Whats a good PCT here? Clomid and Nolva per the usual? I'm really bad at gauging how small/big of a cycle this is.

go hard or go home, those are pretty low doses across the board... my doses are doubled for everything except the tren and EQ.... is there a reason why you go so low on test and mast?
I can't answer for him but I can give a general answer. You always, ALWAYS, want to use as little as possible if it gives you an effective dose. As time goes by the gear will increase in dosage for most people. They get in the 'if 200 is good, 400 is better' mindset. However, after a few years, this turns into a 1000 mg. base test not including everything else on top of it. Then what happens is you start having a serious fight with side effects that becomes exponentially harder.

Let's just say you drink alcohol. If you drink 4 beers and feel good, eventually you think if you drink 6 you'll feel even better. Unfortunately when you drink 6 beers it makes you sick to your stomach so you take some Tums before you drink. Eventually 6 beers feel like 4, so now you drink 10. Now, instead of just feeling sick you get really sleepy also. You then come up with a plan that when you drink 10 beers you'll take some Tums and high doses of caffeine to stay awake. You get stuck on a hamster wheel where the side effects start outweighing any of the good that the original 4 beers offered.

Everyone's body is different but honestly if you start having to fight serious side effects on a cycle then you are taking too much. Some sides will obviously occur, but you should always stay on the lowest amount of gear possible for the longest amount of time and only consider raising the bar when those gains become marginalized. Now, your body may tolerate the amount of gear you are taking, but for someone else it may be way overkill. I know many people who would look at a cycle like yours and think it is such a low dose then why even bother. We all have different tolerances for different drugs and no cycle needs to be copy and pasted and then think you will have the same results as someone else.
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