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FLipped 10-18-2012 10:50 PM

This sucks ( Need Advise)
I like an newbie!!!! Got all excited about the building my weight up by eating good foods and high calories and doing mass gaining exercises. Well I must have over done it on the DEAD LIFTS, I never really have done them in the past. I did not hurt my back by any means. I gave myself a small hernia. Just above my belly button. I know , I kinda knew that I should be carefull and I really thought I was but I guess my core was and is not in good enough condition to handle it. My question to anyone who has any background and can advise me well enough not to hurt myself any more. What kind of workouts such as ( pushups , dips, curls, shoulder raises, anything with legs, anything to help me not get too out of condition untill I can get the surgery after January 1st. ??? In the mean time I think it may be wise to stop with the high calorie diet so it does not just turn to BLUBBER. any takes on any of this would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

admin 11-01-2012 10:25 AM

I am not sure what kind of advise to give regarding what to do before surgery as you must know your body and feel better what you can do.

From my experience: long time ago while I was doing dead lifts with too much weight for me I got some pain in back and since then I always do proper warm up and not lift more than 120-140kg.

Plus as far as I know dedlifts will increase your waist size so better keep high reps and smaller weight in order to stay on safe-side.

At least I do this and I feel good about it.


Originally Posted by phlliped (Post 24466)
I like an newbie!!!! Got all excited about the building my weight up by eating good foods and high calories and doing mass gaining exercises. Well I must have over done it on the DEAD LIFTS, I never really have done them in the past. I did not hurt my back by any means. I gave myself a small hernia. Just above my belly button. I know , I kinda knew that I should be carefull and I really thought I was but I guess my core was and is not in good enough condition to handle it. My question to anyone who has any background and can advise me well enough not to hurt myself any more. What kind of workouts such as ( pushups , dips, curls, shoulder raises, anything with legs, anything to help me not get too out of condition untill I can get the surgery after January 1st. ??? In the mean time I think it may be wise to stop with the high calorie diet so it does not just turn to BLUBBER. any takes on any of this would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

Barman 11-01-2012 03:26 PM

ok mate take it easy bring ur kcals down to maintain and train with high reps low weight u wont losse size dont push urself if you do you will make it worse ok? just keep the muscle stimulated hope this helps some what

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