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Stpat529 01-12-2013 12:37 PM

Sleep! Looking for some tips.
Been struggling with sleep, pre gear so its just my situation. Work stress most likely but it comes with the territory of a highly paid position. Looking for some tips from people. Tried some OTC products, you know the 'natural' ones. They help with falling asleep but maintaining through the night is a bitch. Sure, sex helps and with the proviron raging its necessary but the lady can only take so much before she needs her downtime and it doesn't always mean a solid sleep afterward. Xanax is great but I dont like to use them to long, you know consecutively, plus I dont have a.script from the doc so its a pickup deal only when convenient. I do limit caffeine and related products to before 2 pm daily. So people, if you got some advice, I'm listening!

ncspacy 01-12-2013 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Stpat529 (Post 26586)
Been struggling with sleep, pre gear so its just my situation. Work stress most likely but it comes with the territory of a highly paid position. Looking for some tips from people. Tried some OTC products, you know the 'natural' ones. They help with falling asleep but maintaining through the night is a bitch. Sure, sex helps and with the proviron raging its necessary but the lady can only take so much before she needs her downtime and it doesn't always mean a solid sleep afterward. Xanax is great but I dont like to use them to long, you know consecutively, plus I dont have a.script from the doc so its a pickup deal only when convenient. I do limit caffeine and related products to before 2 pm daily. So people, if you got some advice, I'm listening!

I had severe insomnia for years, I used ZMA and melatonin both of the the magnesium in the zma relaxes you and melatonin helps reset your sleep cycles

also drink some sleepytime tea with chamomile, knocks me out

I used 2 bags for the tea, also valerian

and this works too

AI Sports Nutrition 3Z

SleepytimeŽ Herbal Tea | Celestial Seasonings

I hope you get this figured out;)

eazy 01-12-2013 12:56 PM

Valerian root:*It stinks, but it's the most effective sleep-inducer of all herbal cures. You can find it in capsule, tea, tablet or liquid extract forms.*Valerian root can also ease anxiety and muscle stiffness
f.Chamomile Tea:*Drink a cup before hitting the sheets.chamomile tea can also help out with digestive problems, menstrual cramps and more.Celery:*Munch on some; it's loaded with sedatives.
Lemon balm:*It can be soothing and emit a pleasant scent.
Lavender:*Take a whiff of lavender while taking a warm evening bath. It relaxes the nervous system, reducing stress hormones that often keep you awake. Lavender's scent also ups the production of relaxing alpha waves in the brain for deeper sleep.*If you get migraines, lavender can help with that too
Hops:*If your sleeping problems are connected to your period, hops can be useful because it balances out fluctuating hormone levels. Stuff a sleep sachet containing the herb under your pillow.

Stpat529 01-12-2013 01:42 PM

I did try the ZMA, perhaps it worked in some sense but I still found myself awaking after a while. Chamomile tea I can't do anymore. Was drinking it and it assisted with falling asleep but one night, a long time ago, perhaps just a random stomach bug, I got sick. Well the taste has become associated with.that incident and as a result, I just cannot consume it anymore. The melatonin is within the Alteral (sp?) I have been using of late along with trytophan (sp?). Clearly helps with initially falling asleep so that isn't really my problem, its staying asleep and hitting the REM that I struggle with during the nights. I did have a lavender spray for the bed and pillows, didn't feel I gained any further rest with the scent. Appreciate the quick responses and great tips! Keep em coming, its a fight I must win. Rest is necessary for the body and mind.

ncspacy 01-12-2013 02:25 PM

sleepytime tea is a blend of teas I dont taste or smell the chamomile in it.

what about l-tyrosine? helps with stress?

or maca to balance your body during the day.

try the 3z it has all the things mixed in it. knocks me out and keeps me asleep, has bacopa which is a precurser to ldopa

look for reviews on it really works....

dsj 01-16-2013 03:32 AM

Try benadryl to clear your receptors... I also keep xanax on deck just in case xanax will knock you out!!!! BB's use benadryl while cycling to avoid bad sleeping pattern...

Stpat529 01-16-2013 08:31 AM

Going to order some of the 3Z, appears worthy of a one time trial. In the interim, I will grab some benadryl, it has helped in the past. I can combo that with some xanax!

Mental transmission.

oldfart 01-23-2013 05:44 AM

Aren't some guys using .....mdma i think its also known as rohipnol or "roofy".

olddog 01-23-2013 08:05 AM

roofys? that would be just stupid

i tried ambian Hate the stuff It can cause you to do stuff that you have no memory of. ( and I mean NO MEMORY AT ALL)

what works best for me is Lunesta. it is a script but easy to get This works and I feel fine in the morning. No sides no drowsey or goofy feeling

olddog 01-23-2013 08:06 AM

roofys? that would be just stupid

i tried ambian. It was issued but I hate the stuff It can cause you to do stuff that you have no memory of. ( and I mean NO MEMORY AT ALL)

what works best for me is Lunesta. it is a script but easy to get This works and I feel fine in the morning. No sides no drowsey or goofy feeling

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