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eazy 08-08-2011 11:54 AM

pet peeve
What is your biggest pet peeve at the gym?

eazy 08-08-2011 11:56 AM

People texting or watching tv instead of working out. Go home and do that!

eazy 08-08-2011 11:57 AM

People who talk more than they train

eazy 08-08-2011 11:58 AM

People watching tv all the time and texting on their phones.

eazy 08-08-2011 11:58 AM

Being talked to in the middle of a set or while on cardio!

woodrow1 08-08-2011 01:03 PM

people not reracking their fucking weights......or making a mess with them.

People who stay on a machine too long...Ive had a guy stay on the decline bench for my entire workout....WTF?

One thing i think that pissed me off the most in a long time.....there was this guy....he kept fucking burping....LOUD.... like every 30seconds he would burp. I was getting so pissed i was about to say something and he finally walked off.

My worst is not reracking.....

SkinnyGuy 08-08-2011 02:59 PM

People using machines with no weight on them!!!! I used to work out at a gym with a lot of old people that would use the machines with 5lbs i mean really you should be able to tricep push down more than five pounds. or go on the smith machine to squat with no weight for multiple sets or better yet use the smith machine to STRETCH..... thats probably the bigeest thing i hate is waiting to use a machine that some body is using to STRETCH ON!!!!


Cornish_Celt 08-08-2011 04:10 PM

Idiots on mobiles, and idiots grunting!

SkinnyGuy 08-08-2011 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 15083)
Idiots on mobiles, and idiots grunting!

Dam CC glad i dont work out in your gym hahah. "you have to be quiet back here Like a church" ---i am a grunter(rarely) and i mess with my phone. LOL some times i sing tooo HAHAHHA

in my defense i usually work out at about 10 in the morn(my lunch) and usually there are only a couple of us in there at that time. Not to mention the music i listen to comes from my phone, along with checking my work out...

ogy 08-08-2011 10:08 PM

People who sweat like fuck and never wipe the sweaty arse and head marks down!!!

The grunting just amuses me, it's usually combined with some seriously bad technique :D:D:D

Skinny, do you find the old folks with no weights on the machine bang the plates to fuck, at my gym they proper slam that no weighted tricep push down hard and the plate smacks the top, then let gravity slam it back down, doesn't annoy me though, again it amuses me to fuck

SkinnyGuy 08-15-2011 08:28 PM

nah the old people at my last gym never slammed weights cause they never used them they just take up space while im working out. I actually went up to a guy and asked him how many sets he had left? (He was running a 6 machine circuit in busy hours ASS) and he politly told me one more. So i decided to sit down. about ten minutes went by with me staring at him while he finished a conversation laying on the bench i was waiting for!!!!!!! and no he did not finish by himself i had to interupt the conversation and ask him to move politely..

SkinnyGuy 08-15-2011 08:32 PM

For some reason lazy people annoy me in the gym. I always see people walking around the gym not breating hard, not sweating, not straining but they tend to do a lot of stareing.... move some weight around or get the f*ck out!!!

woodrow1 08-16-2011 01:25 AM

People who stand at the water fountain filling up a fucking water bottle with a line behind them.....bastards

eazy 08-16-2011 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by woodrow1 (Post 15486)
People who stand at the water fountain filling up a fucking water bottle with a line behind them.....bastards

This fella today had a one litter bottle..! Piss me off, big time!

SkinnyGuy 08-16-2011 03:50 PM

^^ HAHAHA for some reason the water bottles around my gym have been getting bigger and bigger. One guy just walks around with a gallon jug.

SkinnyGuy 08-19-2011 04:41 PM

Alright nothing to do with the gym but i have a pet peeve about drivers that feel it necessary to merge last minute when they know that they needed to get over for the last DAM MILE!!! and thenn when they do they immidiatly hit there breaks to creat more space between them and the guy infront of them....... WTF if you did not feel there was enough space there dont merge ASS!!

davsmith 09-07-2011 07:03 PM

Guys who moan like they're in a gay porn movie
guys who leave their towels on machines and leave
guys who keep all dumbs and weights around them

dsj 11-16-2011 09:51 PM

Cell phone use and the mother fuckers who sit at the water fountain filling up a jug when 5 people are in line to get water. I hate rude people!!! Can't we all just get a long?

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