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ruddog 01-12-2014 10:24 PM

Info on getting a Bigger Back
Hey all I know that pull ups are the essential exercise to a bigger back. I am one of those people that has never been able to do one. I am working hard to get there and I was looking for input / help on what exercises or back routine I can use to get there. This is one of my main goals in 2014.

I am 270lbs(used to be 400lbs)so I have gravity working against me. Any help help is greatly appreciated.

biggin 01-13-2014 02:45 PM

I'm a big guy as well, and there is no easy way of saying it, but you need to do pull ups. It may be demoralizing at first, but you have to keep at it. I was the same way, couldn't even do one. Now I can do 15-25 behind my neck at 250. When I get back down to my 220 should be even better.

If you don't like people watching (I know I hate looking weak) get a cheap pull up/dip station for the house off Craigslist. I bought mine from Academy for about $80 so you should be able to pick up a used one for $25 or cheaper. Just keep at it. They normally have a bar you can spot yourself with your leg to help at first. Just set aside 20 minutes every 3 days and do what you can. It's going to feel weird and awkward at first but you'll get it eventually. Just takes time.

ruddog 01-13-2014 04:20 PM

Thanks for the input and personally I do not care what I look like at the gym. I know this is something I have to do and need to do. I try to get my self up there but can only get like a 1/4 of the way or if l am lucky 1/2 way.

What do you think about the band for assisted pulls? Would you consider those or just keep trying to pull myself up as many times as I can as far as I can and eventually I will get one rep out.

Barman 01-13-2014 06:22 PM

Bent over rows are my fav mate with a barbell and even single arm bend over rows with dumb bells :)

ruddog 01-13-2014 10:42 PM

Here is my current Back Routine. I also attempt pull ups as or like I said as much as I can. Then hold as long as I can. I am hoping these will help me to get to my goal of doing pull ups.

Deadlift 4x8 (235)
Barbell Row 4x8 (155)
T-Bar Row 4x8 (180)
Dumbbell Row 4x8 (60)
Seated Cable Row 5x5 (160)
Shrugs 4x8 (275)
Negative Pull Ups 3x10

biggin 01-14-2014 01:18 PM

Honestly looking at the weight you can handle now I don't think the problem is so much strength but more that pull ups just feel awkward. There is no reason you shouldn't be able to do even one pull up unless there is a past shoulder injury.

A band would definitely help. We have those pull up/dip stations that have the weight assist (a little platform you put your knees on) but a band works the same way. Also a training partner would help. I find, at least for me, that pull ups are more about the feel than they are about the weight.

I noticed you didn't have any pull downs in your back workout. You may want to add those in as they are basically the same movement but easier to do. If increasing your pull ups is a priority then I would factor those in.

I guess it goes back to the original question you asked. In theory you should be able to grow the lats without pull ups. You seem to have a solid back routine. But I look at it like this: can you grow a bigger chest without benching? Can you grow bigger legs without squats? Some will say yes, some will say no. I think you can but the exercise is really so good that you will hurt the development process by not doing it. I just read something (can't remember where, maybe here) about a bodybuilder who hurt himself doing squats so he switched to higher rep leg presses, ditched squats completely, and he said his legs grew even more than doing squats. The difference here is obviously you feel like you aren't growing the way you should.

ruddog 01-14-2014 04:44 PM

We have those pull up/dip stations that have the weight assist (a little platform you put your knees on) and I used to use this so based on your suggestion I will go back to using it doing 4 sets 8-12 reps and lower the asstiance as I progress.

I will also be adding pull downs to my back workout based on your suggestion. Do you have any exercises you feel would be bests.

Increasing my pull ups is a priority along with getting that bigger V shape in 2014.

Thanks again for the input it helps to keep me movitivated.

d60hanna 01-14-2014 08:49 PM

kalpa pharmacueticals!

ruddog 01-14-2014 10:26 PM

I know all about Kalpa just finishing my first cycle of test C heading I to PCT. Huge Tom and GBN store team are great as well as the product.

andyebs 01-15-2014 08:18 AM

for the v taper i found close grip cable rows brung out my latts really well
but do slowly with heavy wieght
as in lift(positive) then hold then slow negative really streaching at and before next lift
to increase pull up i would say latt pull downs or assisted machine
i never used to be able to do them at first and just used assisted and droped wieght till could do unassisted

ruddog 01-15-2014 04:19 PM

Thanks for the input, I did back today and used the assisted machine 4x8. I also included the lat pulldown and close grip cable row. I can feel that worked the lat today.

I should have continued with assisted machine when I started I just might be doing them right now. Does anyone see an issue working the back twice a week? I believe it is a large enough muscle group that it should not be a problem. Look forward to the input everything everyone has supplied is a great help to me.

biggin 01-15-2014 06:38 PM

IMO it depends on your level of fitness. I know a lot of people who do a 3 on/1 off split and get great results. I do 4 and 1 myself right now simply because I just can't seem to fit shoulders in with anything else.

But yes, I think you can do back twice a week, especially when 'on'. I know you said you just hit PCT but you should still be able to go 2x a week. The best thing is to give it a shot, see how you feel, and adjust accordingly. If you went Mon/Fri and felt good on both days you could keep it up. If you feel over trained you may want to go every 5 days, so it would be Mon/Fri, then Tues/Sat the next week, etc.

erich1b 01-15-2014 06:45 PM

When you train back, how many sets do you do? To me, that would have a part in how often you train back.

Myself, I train back once a week but do 17 to 18 sets over 5 different exercises. IMHO, at least for me, 17 to 18 sets of back twice a week would be too much.

Like biggin said, won't hurt to give it a try and see how it goes.


ruddog 01-16-2014 12:35 AM

I did back today took the advice and used the assisted pull up machine, incorporated pull down exercise (lat pulldown today) and did the close grip row as always. I definitely know I worked it not sure if it was the pull down or assisted pull ups. I am kicking myself in the ass for not keeping the assisted pull ups from day one as well as the lat pull down. I guess I did too much reading. Going to keep it to the basics.

One last question I am going to do back twice a week based on the input as well as increase the rep range. I just do not want to sacrifice weight for reps. I believe I should go heavy during the PCT. Can anyone suggest a 2 day back routine confirm and how would you break out the exercises over the 2 days knowing what my goal is. Thanks to all again love the input keep it coming.

andyebs 01-16-2014 08:56 AM

me personally i wouldnt like to train back twice week but may work for you i done this for arms when thought wasnt growing and found training twice week hindered them but as said could work well for you
if i did would keep it simple
day 1
latt pull down
close grip cable row
barbell row
pull up (assisted if needed)
dumbell row
invereted body row
this doesnt include traps

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