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eazy 01-06-2013 10:26 AM

Set a goal or a list of what you want to achieve this year; make it positive and be realistic. It could be 'within 3 months I will lose 2 dress sizes,' or 'by spring I will be able to go for a jog around the block with my children.'

Never write what you don't want, always what you DO want. Have your goals printed out on the fridge, in your handbag, on the back of the loo door and read them constantly. The more often you read them the more you will put your efforts and energies into achieving them!

Once your goal is set, treat it like a promise. It may be to lose weight yes, but rather than focusing on the scales how about focusing on a new dress size?

The scales can play with our heads so ditch them and use how you feel when you look in the mirror and your clothes are your best indicator of fat loss.

It's important to remember that weight encompasses not just fat, but muscle as well. You want to lose fat but not muscle - which will keep your metabolism revved right up and burning calories.

For every pound of fat on your body, you will burn one calorie at rest whereas every pound of muscle burns around 50 at rest.

eazy 01-06-2013 10:27 AM

The how to
Write down HOW you will achieve your goal. It's one thing knowing what you want but you need to know how you are going to do it.

It could be that you get up 30 minutes earlier three times a week in order to fit in a workout to boost your fat loss and metabolism - a great way to kick start your energy for the day.

Food choices can be a problem for many and if you know that is your downfall then PLAN to eat well. When you shop buy the things for healthy balanced meals, make your lunch the night before so that being 'busy' no longer becomes an excuse for bad eating habits.

Taking a little time each day to eat well and train smart. You'll feel fabulous for it. It will enhance mood, increase great health, recovery after exercise and make you feel full of vitality.

And, if that isn't enough to inspire you, then know that when you have better vitamins and minerals in your body and exercise regularly, this stimulates fresh blood flow and good endorphins in your body meaning you can't help but feel fantastic.

eazy 01-06-2013 10:27 AM

Chart your success
Whether its a notebook, chart, graph, Excel spreadsheet or a diary entry, a small daily or weekly 'tally' will help you stay on track. It'll give you the chance to reflect on your achievements with pride and, if you've slipped behind, give you the chance to focus on what to do to have an even better day or week ahead.

eazy 01-06-2013 10:28 AM

Realise the power of positive thinking. If you tell yourself you are fat or rubbish, you'll treat yourself with disrespect. Your subconscious has a lot to do with staying on track.

The mind is so closely related to our actions and reactions - always remember this. If you have been putting yourself down, being negative for the duration of your life which could be 30 years or more, then you MUST understand that positive thinking and positive actions will not come easily.

It can take years to form bad habits, and a long time to undo them so make sure you practice good thinking and positive thoughts so you have a chance to change your subconscious thoughts for good. Be patient, practice and it will come!

eazy 01-06-2013 10:28 AM

Take responsibility
Don't blame anyone else if you slip up and don't exercise, or fall back into bad habits. Take responsibility for changing your life.

Face up to your challenges, embrace them and be honest with yourself. That is one of the best gifts you can give yourself when staying motivated. Honesty is important. It keeps it all real.

When you do achieve what you wish to you can say you did it and help show others how to do it too! Inspire others and it will continue to drive and inspire you.

Jax 01-08-2013 11:07 PM

This is motivating bro.

I find myself that I need motivation and concentration to keep moving.

Thank you for posting this.


Originally Posted by eazy (Post 26422)
Don't blame anyone else if you slip up and don't exercise, or fall back into bad habits. Take responsibility for changing your life.

Face up to your challenges, embrace them and be honest with yourself. That is one of the best gifts you can give yourself when staying motivated. Honesty is important. It keeps it all real.

When you do achieve what you wish to you can say you did it and help show others how to do it too! Inspire others and it will continue to drive and inspire you.

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