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eazy 04-16-2013 06:34 AM

It's 5am, I wake up. Everyone else is sleeping soundly in the house, I don't want to get up but the schedule demands it. After a 5 minute debate with my conscience I arise from what seems to be the most comfortable place on the planet, as if I've slept on a cloud. I make my way downstairs with my eyes still stuck together with bits of shit developed from the previous night, straight to the toilet for some cold water face splashing and the usual routine.*Once refreshed I see to my ridiculous hunger by having my pre-made shake for morning wake up. I then start to prep food, I don't want to do it and would love to stay in bed but needs must and these simple little things must be adhered to if we're going to be successful in our fitness goals. I weigh out my foods and get to cooking them.... Foods prep'd and now it's time to eat, breakfast goes down faster than lightning and now I'm ready to embrace the gym.*The point i'm making is, nobody wants to do this shit so when people ask me "how" I do it, I reply "Easy, I actually want the results badly enough, whereas you, clearly don't".My biggest gripe is when people say they've "tried everything". I'm sorry but f**k off, no you haven't, there's always more that can be done. Sure I understand some people find it tougher than others and blame genetics, but the fact of the matter is that everyone I've ever come across that has said this has made progress using BASIC principles.*Guys, it's not easy. Nobody said it was, but if you want it badly enough, YOU WILL DO IT!!

Cornish_Celt 04-16-2013 08:41 AM

5am...............who you trying to kid!!!
I'm already in the gym at 5am.

olddog 04-16-2013 12:53 PM

i get off work at 5 am ( unless something happens) then it is much later

floridalivin 04-16-2013 06:19 PM

I gotta wake up at 3:30 to get to the gym by 4am and still pull a 12 hour shift. 5 am would be sweet.

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