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g-money 07-14-2010 12:20 AM

help with putting a cycle together
Im trying to put together good bulking cycle out of things i already have. Im asking for ideas on what I should use and how i should stack it.
sust 270 x 1,
Test E 250 x 2,
Prop 100 x 2
1 X Pentadex-300 (sustanon - mixture of 5 testosterone esters at 300mg/ml concentration)
1 X Nandrodex - 300 (nandrolone decanoate)
1 X Methanodex (10mg methandrostenolone)

Iwant2grow 07-14-2010 12:22 AM

mmm this is going to be funn!!
how many cycle u have under your belt ?
current weight

g-money 07-14-2010 12:49 AM

2 cycles down...
1st was test-e 500 per week for ten weeks
2nd was test-e 500 per week for ten weeks
and t-bol and winny tabs weeks 6-12
clen cycle after the 2nd test cycle

im 205 lbs

Iwant2grow 07-14-2010 12:55 AM

how did you feel on those cycles did you have any sides ?

g-money 07-14-2010 01:00 AM

no problems... i felt good... hit the gym stronger and harder...

Iwant2grow 07-14-2010 01:04 AM

wk 1-4 prop 500mgs week
w 1-14 500mg test
w1-12 400--600mg deca**
wk 8-14 30mg dbol
cycle should start iff quick with the prop and end with a bank with the deca and dbol running full force :-D

** to do 400mg a week u need one more bottle but if you have to get one more bottle u may as well do 600mg week cause now u have lots
ideally i would do 650 or 750 test here with the deca but i tried to keep it to only what you had here


Originally Posted by g-money (Post 5132)
Im trying to put together good bulking cycle out of things i already have. Im asking for ideas on what I should use and how i should stack it.
sust 270 x 1,
Test E 250 x 2,
Prop 100 x 2
1 X Pentadex-300 (sustanon - mixture of 5 testosterone esters at 300mg/ml concentration)
1 X Nandrodex - 300 (nandrolone decanoate)
1 X Methanodex (10mg methandrostenolone)

g-money 07-14-2010 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Iwant2grow (Post 5139)
wk 1-4 prop 500mgs week
w 1-14 500mg test
w1-12 400--600mg deca**
wk 8-14 30mg dbol
cycle should start iff quick with the prop and end with a bank with the deca and dbol running full force :-D

** to do 400mg a week u need one more bottle but if you have to get one more bottle u may as well do 600mg week cause now u have lots
ideally i would do 650 or 750 test here with the deca but i tried to keep it to only what you had here

sounds good, but im trying to use what i got... i wont start a cycle unless i have everything... i would hate to be stuck out due to shipping problems, ya know? but if i have to order more then thats what with have to happen...

MEATHEAD 07-14-2010 07:07 AM

I would go something like this
week 1-8 test e 500mg a week
week 1-6 test prop 100mg eod until gone so it may be before week 6
week 6-12 30mg of d bol ed start as soon as the prop is gone
week 8-12 sustanon 300 eod and if needed end with the sust 270 if needed.
I wouldn t use the deca seeings you don t have enough and save it
I would use the prop in the beginning until the test e kicks in and save the d bol until the prop runs out to push threw the mid cycle stall
And finish up with your sustanon.

g-money 07-14-2010 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by MEATHEAD (Post 5145)
I would go something like this
week 1-8 test e 500mg a week
week 1-6 test prop 100mg eod until gone so it may be before week 6
week 6-12 30mg of d bol ed start as soon as the prop is gone
week 8-12 sustanon 300 eod and if needed end with the sust 270 if needed.
I wouldn t use the deca seeings you don t have enough and save it
I would use the prop in the beginning until the test e kicks in and save the d bol until the prop runs out to push threw the mid cycle stall
And finish up with your sustanon.

i think im going to run this cycle, can you tell me PTC of a cycle like this?

MEATHEAD 07-14-2010 07:36 PM

I would do the pct with nolva from 40/40/20 14 days after last pinning of sustanon.So the first week it would 40mg a day then second 40mg a day then for the third 20mg a day.I don t know what anti e or ai's you have on hand but its a pretty basic test cycle nothing fancy.

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