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Cornish_Celt 12-23-2011 06:14 AM


Warm up - Bent over rows 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Bent over rows: 5 x 6

Wide grip pulldowns: 5 x 6

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 10

Shrugs: 4 x to failure

One arm dumbell rows: 2 x to failure


Cornish_Celt 12-24-2011 08:01 AM

Shoulders and Triceps

Warm up - Bent over lat raises 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Bent over lat raises: 2 x 20

Military press: 5 x 6

Arnold press: 4 x 12

standing lat raises: 2 x to failure

Close grip bench press: 5 x 6

Rope pushdowns: 5 x 10

Kick backs: 2 x to failure

Cornish_Celt 12-27-2011 07:49 AM


Warm up - Hack squats 1 x 20

Hack squats: 5 x 6

Smith squats: 4 x 8

Calf raises: 4 x 12

Seated leg curls: 5 x 12

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 12-28-2011 08:25 AM

Chest and Biceps

Warm up - Bench press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Bench press: 5 x 6

Incline bench press: 4 x 8

Incline flyes: 5 x 8

Dips: 2 x to failure

EZ bar curls(wide grip): 4 x 6

EZ bar curls(first half of motion, wide grip): 4 x 10

Alt. dumbell curls(first half of motion): 3 x to failure

Good one!

Cornish_Celt 01-02-2012 08:34 AM


Warm up - Chest supported rows 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Chest supported rows: 5 x 6

Wide grip pulldowns: 5 x 6

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 8

Shrugs: 4 x 10

Dumbell rows: 2 x to failure

Cornish_Celt 01-03-2012 06:33 AM

Shoulders and Triceps

Warm up - Military press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Military press: 5 x 6

Bent over laterals: 2 x 20

Arnold press: 4 x 10

Lat raises: 2 x to failure

Dips: 5 x 10

Pushdowns: 5 x 20

Kickbacks: 2 x to failure

Job done!!

Cornish_Celt 01-06-2012 06:01 AM

Chest and Biceps

Warm up - Bench press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Bench press: 5 x 6

Incline bench press: 4 x 10

Flat dumbell flyes: 5 x 10

Incline dumbell press: 2 x to failure

Barbell curl: 3 x 6

Alternating hammer curls: 3 x 6 each arm

Job done!!

Cornish_Celt 01-07-2012 07:57 AM

Slightly different to the usual, decided to shock them!

Leg press: 8 x 20, 20, 17, 15, 15, 12, 12 and 8

Leg extension: 5 x to failure(increasing the weight each set and no rest between sets)

Leg curls: 3 x to failure(at 10% off 1RM)

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 01-12-2012 06:15 AM

Shoulder and Triceps

Bent lat raises: 2 x 20

Military press: 5 x 6

Arnold press: 4 x 12

Lat raises: 2 x to failure

Rope pushdowns: 5 x 20

Close grip bench press: 5 x 6

Kick backs: 2 x to failure

Job done!!

Cornish_Celt 01-13-2012 06:36 AM


T-bar rows: 5 x 6

Wide grip pulldowns: 5 x 6

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 10

Shrugs: 4 x 10

Dumbell rows: 2 x to failure

Cornish_Celt 01-16-2012 05:58 AM


Squats: 7 x 6

Leg extensions: 6 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 7 and 4

Leg curls: 6 x 10, 10, 8, 8, 6 and 5

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 01-17-2012 06:24 AM

Chest and Biceps

Warm up - Bench press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Bench press: 5 x 6

Incline bench press: 4 x 12

Flat dumbell flyes: 4 x 10

Incline dumbell press: 3 x to failure

Barbell curl: 5 x 8

Wide grip barbell curl(first half of motion): 4 x 10

Alternating hammer curls: 3 x to failure

Job done!!

Cornish_Celt 01-18-2012 05:48 AM


T-bar rows: 5 x 6

Wide grip pulldowns: 5 x 6

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 10

Dumbell Shrugs: 4 x to failure

Dumbell rows: 2 x to failure

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 01-23-2012 06:05 AM

Shoulder and Triceps

Bent lat raises: 2 x 20

Military press: 5 x 6

Arnold press: 4 x 12, 10, 8 and 8

Lat raises: 2 x to failure

Dips: 5 x to failure

Rope pushdowns: 5 x 20

Over head cable extensions: 3 x 10

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 01-24-2012 07:09 AM


Squats: 5 x 6

Leg extensions: 4 x 6

Leg curls: 4 x 6

Job done!

Day 2 of Clen and T3

Cornish_Celt 01-26-2012 12:32 PM

Chest and Biceps

Warm up - Incline dumbell flyes 3 x 20, 15 and 12

Incline dumbell flyes: 4 x 12

Dumbell press: 4 x 10, 10, 8 and 7

Chest press: 4 x 6

Incline chest press: 3 x 6

Cable crossovers: 3 x 12

Ez bar cable curls: 3 x 10

Dumbell hammer curls: 2 x to failure

Concentration curls: 2 x to failure

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 01-27-2012 06:17 AM


Chest supported rows: 5 x 6

Wide grip pulldowns: 5 x 6

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 8

Shrugs: 4 x to failure

Dumbell rows: 2 x to failure

Straight arm pulldowns: 3 x to failure

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 02-02-2012 06:58 AM

Shoulder and Triceps

Bent lat raises: 3 x 20

Military press: 5 x 6

Arnold press: 4 x 10

Lat raises: 2 x to failure

Dips: 5 x to failure

Pushdowns: 4 x 12

Over head cable extensions: 3 x 10

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 02-03-2012 06:24 AM


Chest supported rows: 5 x 6

Straight arm pulldowns: 4 x 10

Shrugs: 4 x 12

Wide grip pulldowns: 5 x 10

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 6

Dumbell rows: 2 x to failure

Wide grip chins: 2 x to failure

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 02-07-2012 06:07 AM


Warm up - Bench press 2 x 20

Bench press: 5 x 6, 6, 5, 5 and 3

Incline bench press: 4 x 12

Incline dbell flyes: 4 x 10

Hammer strengh press: 3 x 8

Cable crossovers: 3 x 8

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 02-08-2012 06:12 AM


Warm up - EZ bar curls 2 x 20 and 15

EZ bar curls: 4 x 12, 10, 8 and 6

EZ bar preacher curls: 3 x 8

Incline dumbell curls: 3 x to failure

Alternate dbell curls(first part of movement only): 2 x to failure

Barbell curls)first part of movement only): 2 x to failure

Dips: 5 x to failure

Rope pushdowns: 4 x 12

Over head cable extensions: 3 x 10

Cable kick backs: 3 x to failure

Job done!!

bailey82 02-12-2012 06:58 PM

new post
new post

when i was younger like 15 ti 20 i did this i didnt even know what i was doing i just lifted back then 10x 10 never did legs till 2009 lol i'm 29 too i was strong and cut up like a rock only thing is i did each group that i trained eod or 2 at the most but it worked i didnt gain huge but was def solid from it bro good log CC

Cornish_Celt 02-13-2012 05:53 AM


Warm up - Chest press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Chest press: 4 x 8

Incline chest press: 4 x 8

Incline flyes: 4 x 10

Dips: 4 x to failure

Cable crossovers: 4 x 12

Cornish_Celt 02-15-2012 05:56 AM


Warm up - Close grip pulldowns 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 6

Wide grip pulldowns: 4 x 10

Bent over rows: 4 x 6

Shrugs: 4 x 15

Dumbell rows: 2 x to failure

Job done!

bailey82 02-15-2012 04:53 PM

new post
you def go hard in the gym bro i might have to steal your workout routine for me lol def looking good man keep it up i wish i never fell off been hard coming back but it's starting to work great man

Cornish_Celt 02-16-2012 06:16 AM


Warm up - EZ bar cable curls and assisted dips 1 x 20 each

EZ bar cable curls: 4 x 10
superset with
Dips: 4 x 10

Dumbell curls: 4 x 6
superset with
Overhead cable extensions: 4 x 12

Dumbell hammer curls: 3 x 8 (Last set to total failure)
superset with
Straight bar pushdowns: 3 x 10 (Last set to total failure)

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 02-17-2012 05:50 AM


Warm up - Hammer strength leg press 3 x 20, 20 and 15

Hammer strength leg press: 4 x 10

Leg extension: 5 x 15, 12, 10, 8 and 6

Seated leg curl: 4 x 15, 12, 10 and 8

Lactic acid training, Only 20 seconds rest between sets and 1 minute between exercises and it hurts like hell!!

Cornish_Celt 02-27-2012 06:37 AM


Warm up - Close grip pulldowns 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 6

Wide grip pulldowns: 4 x 12

Close grip T-bar rows: 4 x 6

Shrugs: 4 x 12

One dumbell rows: 2 x to failure

Chins: 2 x to failure

Straight arm pulldowns: 2 x to failure

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 02-28-2012 06:06 AM


Bent over lat raises: 4 x 20, 18, 12 and 12

Shoulder press: 4 x 6, 6, 6 and 5

Front raises: 3 x 12

Lat raises: 3 x to failure


Cornish_Celt 02-29-2012 06:20 AM


Warm up - Dumbell curls 1 x 20

Dumbell curls: 4 x to failure

EZ bar curls: 3 x 8

Reverse grip pill ups: 3 x to failure

Dips: 4 x to failure

Overhead cable extensions: 3 x 12

Straight bar pushdowns: 3 x 10

Reverse grip skull crushers: 3 x to failure (This is a tricep killer!)

Job done!!

Cornish_Celt 03-05-2012 06:06 AM


Warm up - Incline chest press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Incline chest press: 4 x 8, 8, 7 and 6

Chest press: 4 x 6, 6, 6 and 5

Incline dumbell flyes: 3 x 10

Flat dumbell press: 3 x 12

Cable crossovers: 4 x 10, 10, 10 and 6

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 03-06-2012 06:18 AM

Back to German Volume Training.

Squats: 10 x 10

Seated leg curls: 10 x 10

Pain is not the word!
I do feel rather sick after that!!

Ftblk36 03-06-2012 08:38 PM

Back to the GVT CC eh?? Why is it you enjoy this form of training so much, does it build mass for you better than others? My guess is you're just a masochist!:p

Cornish_Celt 03-07-2012 06:01 AM

Yes mate, back to GVT
It works well for me, I always put on a decent amount of size on this program,
Remember, there is no such thing as too big, just not big enough!

Arms and Shoulders
Superset with
Dips: 10 x 10

Incline hammer curls: 10 x 10

Bent over lat raises
Superset with
Lat raises: 3 x 10, 9 and 6

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 03-09-2012 05:58 AM

Chest and Back

Dumbell bench press: 10 x 10
Superset with
T-bar rows: 10 x 10

Incline dumbell flyes: 3 x 10
Superset with
One arm dumbell rows: 3 x 10

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 03-15-2012 07:11 AM

Chest and Back

Chest press: 10 x 10
Superset with
Chins: 10 x 8

Cable crossovers: 3 x 10
Superset with
Machine rows: 3 x 10

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 03-17-2012 09:21 AM


Hammer strength leg press: 10 x 10
Superset with
Lying leg curls: 10 x 10

Think I'm gonna be sore in the morning!

Cornish_Celt 03-20-2012 07:12 AM

Chest and Triceps

Warm up - Dumbell press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Incline dumbell press: 4 x 12, 12, 11 and failure

Slight incline dumbell flyes: 3 x 8

Incline bench press: 3 x 8

Bench press: 3 x 6

Cable crossovers: 3 x 10

Dips: 3 x to failure

Over head dumbell extension: 3 x 12

Cable kick backs: 2 x 8

Single arm pushdowns: 2 x to failure

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 03-21-2012 07:08 AM

Back and Biceps

Warm up - Chest supported rows 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Chest supported rows: 4 x 8

Wide grip pulldowns: 4 x 10

Machine rows(Palms facing): 4 x to failure

Close grip chins: 4 x to failure

Alternate dumbell curls: 2 x 8

Hammer curls: 2 x 10

Barbell curls: 2 x to failure

Front double biceps curls: 2 x to failure - really concentrating on the squeeze.

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 03-22-2012 07:03 AM

Here ya go Bigdon


For quads I do 2 warm up sets and then 5 working sets, but each set consists of 4 exercises with no rest in between, as follows:

Warm up - Leg extension(toes pointed inwards), Leg press, Leg extension(toes straight) 10 reps of each(no rest between exercises) when you have done the 30 reps, rest one minute and do it again.

Working sets:
Remember: The following is all 1 set.
Leg extension: x 10
Leg press: x 10
Leg extension: x 10
Lunges: x 10 each leg(you do not need to add any weight to this, body weight is penty)

Do the above for 5 sets

No rest between exercises and rest for 2 or 3 minutes between sets(each set being the whole 40 reps)

When you have completed the 5 sets rest for a few minutes and then on to hams. The 2 warm up sets do not count as part of the 5 working sets.

Then to hams(not quite so bad!)
Lying or seated leg curls: 4 x 25

This is a leg killer plain and simple, It hurts like hell and you really have to push yourself through it.

Walking to the car afterwards is an experience!

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