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SkinnyGuy 06-04-2011 02:56 AM

Legs and abs

Ball crunches

Leg press

Hanging Leg lifts super set
side leg lifts right and left.

Leg extensions

Ab machine

Leg curls

Leg adductors

leg abductors

TIME!!! How'd I do? was I fast?
Workout felt good!!! And I got my darts in the mail woo hoo still eaten good can't wait to do shoulders but am practicing staying out of the gym to let my body recover so I can gain. I guess I could start the juice I have 10 ml test e and another ten should be here soon hmmm...???

SkinnyGuy 06-04-2011 03:17 AM

If he can do it I should have no problem

SkinnyGuy 06-04-2011 09:29 PM

Just pinned for my first time 1 ml of gp test e 250. Oh man I feel sooo strong I could probably push over an oak tree JK. But to be honest it did not hurt at all!!! The gear was smooth as they say. Now lets see some results. And I'm running .5 anastrozole every other day.

SkinnyGuy 06-05-2011 06:58 PM

Did delts
One armed Db shoulder press seated

Seated military press

Arnold press

Front raises (cable)
Superset lateral raises (cable)

I was able to move up in weight and the reps I did felt stronger. For the shoulder press I was able to get two more reps with the 70 lb db. For military press I went up ten pounds not much but hey my goal is to grow and get stronger so I'm feelin good. Can't wait till the juice actually kicks in.

SkinnyGuy 06-07-2011 12:46 AM

Alright alright alright
Chest and tri's

Overhead Db tricep push
4*10-10-10-8( I am out growing my gym db set in one area it stops at 100lbs)

Bench press machine

Db skull crushers

Db Decline flys(don't usually do these decline)

Tricep push down(rope)

Cable flys

One handed tricep PULL down hand

I don't know why but did some forearms also held a 80 lb barbel behind my back and roll down to finger tips and back up to my palms I have no clue what they are called.

Alright I felt real good today definitely stronger I don't think the gear should be kicking in yet so I must be making these strength gains on my own. WOOT WOOT!!

SkinnyGuy 06-08-2011 03:23 PM

No gym last night it was a rest day but ate well and had my second pin. This time I tried using the same needle that I drew up the liquid with meaning it had to peirce the vial before my skin and let me tell you to any noobs switching the needle to a fresh one after drawing your liquid makes a huge difference!!

SkinnyGuy 06-08-2011 08:21 PM

Stewie is one rad dude!!

SkinnyGuy 06-09-2011 01:52 PM

Back and bis

Dead lifts

Standing rows
3*10-7-8(I felt i was being a pussy cause my shoulder hurt a little)

Hammer Curls

Straight arm standing lat pull downs (IDK what some of the real names are... LOL)

Flat Bar Curls
3*8(I did these in a rack that forced me to slow down my curl motion and that really worked me)

One armed seated rows

incline bench curls

pull ups(assisted)

bicep machine

Ok so yesterday I had every excuse in the world to not have a good work out and still got a decent one. First of all i did not have my head phones, and i dont know about you guys but I get alot more motivated when I dont have to hear the old ladies around me talking(Yes my gym actually has alot of old ladies in it, im leaving it soon as my daughter finishes her swim season). I also dont have to listen to my self strain which is kind of embarasing around a bunch of old ladies. Any way back feels a little tight today I imagine tomorrow I will really feel it on my leg and ab day.....hahahhaha

SkinnyGuy 06-09-2011 07:42 PM

As I participate in the contest the paid section is having I cant help but think "how would i spend the money if i won?". Since i have dbol on its way i was thinking I would get primo and test and run a stack of dbol test e and primo...... If any body is reading my insane rants feel free to throw out a cyce suggestion.

SkinnyGuy 06-11-2011 01:31 AM

Ok I wanted to do legs today but there was no way... my leg that I pinned in is experiencing muscle pain. I read cc log on guide to post injection muscle pain and think it might be cause I'm a noob using a new site or maybe it's cause when I did it last time I was shaking like like there was an earthquake in my living room. But could not do legs any way. Got my second order from GBN so I will run the dbol for the next three weeks 30 mg a day also with the test 250 and arimidex .5 mg eod and liv 52 ed.

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