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ckcrown84 04-24-2015 02:04 AM

Guys need to check out that kalpa line that aren't using it
Have you looking swoleeee

ckcrown84 04-27-2015 05:18 PM

Monday, good old day of rest and after the two back to back Smolov squat workouts Saturday and Sunday I definitely need the rest.

Tomorrow I go for a new max on the tow ropes off the floor. Going to be an adventure that's for sure.

Can't wait !

ckcrown84 04-29-2015 12:31 AM

Today was a good evaluation of where my training is. I really wanted 600lbs off the floor but I capped out at 550. Then I got stupid.
550 good
600 tried twice failed
585 tried twice failed
575 tried failed
I just got hard headed and buried my CNS in the process.

Last time I did a max off the floor I got 505lbs today 550lbs this is a huge improvement.

Time to put the tow rope away for a few weeks and work on a new secondary lift.

Lifting is about small victories not huge jumps, I gave it a good run and had a measurable and significant improvement. Should have checked my ego at the door.

I would appreciate my followers support and please check out my Fb and give it a share.

Be ready for some new variations next week.

Doctors appointment at the end of this week to evaluate the arms and healing process

ckcrown84 05-10-2015 08:40 PM

Today was my last week on Beast and I ended with a 585lbs squat
Massive PR!!!

On the road to 600lbs

Had a pretty motivating weekend, watched a bunch of teammates compete Saturday and the extra rest all lit some fire in me today. Smash !!!

Please like and share my FB if you haven't already, help a brother out.

Hit me up for any training questions

ckcrown84 05-14-2015 01:38 AM

I would say these injuries didn't impede my gains
First upper body workout in two months
100 push-ups and 100 dips


ckcrown84 05-19-2015 12:16 AM

Same images different day, same shorts lol
500 push-ups tonight and some abs

Ok thinking of a slow cut to 198

My cut will definitely use some katanadrol

Armstrong 05-19-2015 04:11 AM

look great bro...whats with all the tissue paper?? running to much test??:Dlol

ckcrown84 05-27-2015 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Armstrong (Post 40136)
look great bro...whats with all the tissue paper?? running to much test??:Dlol

Haha too funny

ckcrown84 05-27-2015 03:00 AM

Today was rough
Still not used to the straight bar and my technique is atrocious after using so many speciality bars for so long
Hit 525 for 4 sets of two. Recorded first and last set
Then did a quick set of 225 for 30 reps on the bench... Yeah these arms are healing :)


ckcrown84 05-31-2015 09:35 PM

Oh you know

Smashing some hand stand push-ups next to a hottie

ckcrown84 05-31-2015 10:33 PM

ckcrown84 06-02-2015 02:25 AM

Want to be a good bencher, you better be powerful... Explosive... In other words not fucking slow.

My tip of the week: when warming up keep your reps as explosive as possible. The more explosive you can be on the warmups the more carryover you will have for being fast and explosive on your heavy sets.

When warming up I can barely keep my body on the bench until I am over 225lbs on the bar.

Right now after my surgeries (two distal bicep tears) I need to work on bringing the heavier weight down quicker and transition the weight onto my Lats. This was my first full chest session in over two months. Finished at 405 for a double.

Hoping to end my year at 500lbs

ckcrown84 06-05-2015 04:35 PM

2nd bench session in. Explosive warm ups as usual. I seem dialed in and ready to train !!!

New routine

Tuesday heavy accessories lower body
Thursday bench heavy
Saturday squats
Sunday bench light

Of course supporting movements after the main lifts. Might throw in an extra day on like Monday for extra back/lat work

Ready to grind !!!

ckcrown84 06-08-2015 07:47 PM

***Thoughts on Gyms, Culture, and Training***

The Gym… Sometimes it’s a confusing place. Is it that area you can let your inner demons out and unleash; Is it the “Compound,” and the “training ground” or is it a place where you have to be all prim and proper. Not too loud, not too aggressive, cage your demons and be cool, calm and collected?

There is a reason I can’t train at ‘fitworks,’ LA, or god forbid planet fitness. These places are entirely unmotivating, and do not fit my lifting personality. That’s right, lifting personality. We all have one… It’s that person in the gym, that person that in some way shape or form differs from you in the work place or you with your friends, or really anywhere else.

Every gym has its own particular culture and with it expectations. Fit the mold son! Fit the mold! That culture may change as the gym grows, such things are expected. But as a lifter your first responsibility is to find that environment and culture where you can thrive. Remember it’s the gym; you are there to accomplish your goals and let your issues be unleashed. Finding an environment conducive to that is crucial for success in accomplishing those goals. How can you really expect to thrive in an environment that isn’t encouraging you to do so? That jokes, makes light of, or discourages the very things that motivate you to push harder.

Some examples of gym culture differences can be quite blatant; some gyms have guys running around with their shirts off, mirrors all over the place… no big deal. Others, no mirrors, bodies mostly covered, and it’s almost taboo to take that shirt off. Don’t even get caught taking a shirtless pic son, don’t even! Some gyms are loud, people yelling… grunting, and backs being smacked before heavy lifts. Others, calm and serene… the quite before the storm. Two totally different gym environments and cultures. Where do you fit in, and does it even matter?

Whether those environmental details matter is entirely up to you… how much of your lifting is an external expression or internal. Me personally the difference is huge and I am just an asshole in the gym. I am loud, I cuss, I take my fuckin’ shirt off, I sniff my Ammonia, and I grunt to force out that last rep, I am snappy and when I am all geared up and ready to roar I am READY. Let me under that bar and do battle. In the words of my first coach/mentor I am a “knuckle head.” Yes… yes I am.
The more aggressive, amped, and psychotic I am on a max effort day is directly related to my performance. The more calm and serene I am translates to passivity under the bar, this guy doesn’t smash PRs by being passive. No by being aggressive and psychotic I can do my first bench workout in 2 months after surgery on both biceps and nail 405x2 and my 2nd week training I can nail 405 for 2 sets of 4 reps… Grunting, yelling… being a ‘douche.’

Performance and emotion are related. I can go to the gym one day calm and serene and get almost buried under a 545lbs squat, and come in a week later ready to rumble, psycho on 100 and smash 570lbs… Which do you want? 545lbs calm and feeling like a flower on a cool summer day, or an aggressive caged animal READY… 570lbs SMASH.

In the environment I started lifting in aggression was encouraged, you are there to smash weights and forget your life issues, to cuss and yell and make light of whatever you want. CT Fletcher comes to mind… That doesn’t appeal to everyone, but I can tell you this. Throw me in a lifting cage with a bunch of aggressive go-getters and I am bound to smash a PR… put me in a lifting cage that’s quite and serene and I am going to walk away thinking… damn I could have done more.

Am I a asshole? Yes! am I wanted in your particular gym… probably not. But damnit, I love what I do and how I do it. I like joking about them fat girls, yelling, grunting, taking a giant whiff of ammonia, filling my chest up, lowering the bar and grunting out that last rep. I like throwing my belt aside when I am done and thinking god damn that bar is my bitch. And when I am done I just might snap a picture and think… hmm I am big as fuck right now, I need to lose this side fat though…Jiggle Jiggle

-Peace out…

Please feel free to follow me on FB always looking for support from my peers

Huge Tom 06-11-2015 07:53 PM

Bro, we cant see the videos, insert just this part of the youtube link: "gELAhIC2lps"

Originally Posted by ckcrown84 (Post 40297)

2nd bench session in. Explosive warm ups as usual. I seem dialed in and ready to train !!!

New routine

Tuesday heavy accessories lower body
Thursday bench heavy
Saturday squats
Sunday bench light

Of course supporting movements after the main lifts. Might throw in an extra day on like Monday for extra back/lat work

Ready to grind !!!

ckcrown84 06-12-2015 06:54 PM

Not sure how to embed here it isn't working

ckcrown84 06-12-2015 06:55 PM

Nice training session
425lbs for 4 sets of 2

Lots of volume with heavy weight

Yes 4 doubles is considered volume when operating at above 75% your 1rm

ckcrown84 06-19-2015 02:50 AM

Getting nestled into my new home at Beat Personal Training.
Today revealed my tricep weakness, which is understandable being that I've done remarkably little tricep work since being back.
2 sets of 2 at 435lbs. Third set I violated my program and tried to do a triple, them baby triceps failed.
Weakness identified time to smash some heavy tricep work
405 3 boards and skull crushers.

Next week gonna back off and work on 405 before going back up to 440 in two weeks.

My training won't involve a max for another month or so!


ckcrown84 06-26-2015 01:34 AM

Working on my weakness on the top half
405lbs 2 sets of 8
345 for 3x3 pin press
Accessory work... Even some push-ups !

Huge Tom 06-26-2015 06:25 AM

What's wrong with your arms? :) lol they are huge!


Originally Posted by ckcrown84 (Post 40413)

Getting nestled into my new home at Beat Personal Training.
Today revealed my tricep weakness, which is understandable being that I've done remarkably little tricep work since being back.
2 sets of 2 at 435lbs. Third set I violated my program and tried to do a triple, them baby triceps failed.
Weakness identified time to smash some heavy tricep work
405 3 boards and skull crushers.

Next week gonna back off and work on 405 before going back up to 440 in two weeks.

My training won't involve a max for another month or so!


ckcrown84 06-28-2015 09:11 PM

Haha getting there
Gonna compete in October

ckcrown84 06-28-2015 09:12 PM

Tested my squat
550lbs with a 7/10 wrap strength, very nice. My strength felt great
I just benched Thursday but was in a good environment and hit a few reps with 405lbs

Looks like October 10th is going to be my next competition will be creating a new thread specifically for that

ckcrown84 06-28-2015 10:10 PM

Starting to think of what I'm gonna run for my October 10th competition
Any thoughts people ?

ckcrown84 07-24-2015 02:52 AM

Today's workout makes a new journey. Using biometric feedback. The .# mark the speed of the reps as measured in meters per second by a tendo unit

4 sets of 5 220 at .8
Worked up to 405 at .25
385 5 singles at .3 failed my speed
345 pause 3 sets of 6
365 pin press 7 singles
275 flat wide 3x10

A lot of volume today 24,700lbs

Let's get ready to compete!!!

ckcrown84 07-27-2015 02:56 AM

Speed at 220 avg .8 4 sets of 5
415 .38
405 2x2
385 3x2
335 3 sets of 3 5 second pause in hole
335 1 set of 8

Yoke squats

Squat session some highlights

ckcrown84 07-29-2015 12:53 AM

Speed pulls .85 avg 205 5x5
335 8 sets of 4

405 for 1 Anderson

245 5x2 good morning

Today I was Sooo sore after my leg workout

May have to adjust my days to allow an extra day of recovery

ckcrown84 07-30-2015 02:49 PM

Directed Variation

Note: This is written for beginners not so much for you super bad asses, so if it doesn’t apply let it fly. But hopefully everyone can find a little gem to takeaway.

Training, to be maximally successful, needs to be planned and analyzed. Going to the gym and doing what “feels right” is only going to get you so far, and let’s be honest… your feelings are usually fucking wrong. Sometimes what “feels” awful is just what is needed. On a similar note doing what your gym partner is doing might be well and good; in fact it might be a great workout… and still not really contribute much toward your overall goal. There are a lot of “great workouts” that don’t really yield much in the way of progress (unless your goal is just a workout).

Training with Purpose is training with a goal; you are training with a specific destination and endpoint in mind. For me that direction is a 600lbs squat and 500lbs bench press. Everything I do needs to be directed toward that goal. I am reaching a point where it is becoming increasingly important to plan my workouts, analyze the lifts, and try to graph my progress so I can see what is truly working and what is not. Thinking along these lines brings me to Directed Variation.

Directed Variation is variation for the sake of targeting specific muscles that are limiting factors in the successful execution of a lift. This is differentiated from what many Conjugate (Westside) trainers do and perform variations on ME lifts to avoid the Law of Accommodation (Meaning that decreasing adaption will occur to repeated stimulation /execution of the same lift to a point where you will ultimately regress).

While I am not denying the Law of Accommodation, I am saying that it can be carried too far. I have experienced, and continue to see several things happening:
1) Lack of technique and proficiency with a lift’s performance due to too much variation. You are competing in a bench press, not a press with chains, bands, off a board, or with 10 different specialy bars.
2) Marginally small Fitness increases. Sure you went from a 315lbs bench to a 325lbs… 10lbs PR. But why? Sure fitness increased, but was it as much as it could have? What was the driving force behind the change?
3) Oh… Variation… Let’s do a reverse band, with a sling shot, with a chain hanging from it… Wait what the FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!?

Directed Variation is a simple concept that I am starting to execute in my training methods. What I love is it gets rid of the “variation for the sake of variation.” Everything you do is for the purpose of increasing your fitness in a lift, so for example bench press.

I am a relatively slow bencher when it comes to moderate loads, but very fast with light loads. I failed my last max effort attempt (470lbs) at the top where his triceps were unable to fire enough to lock out the weight. I also has very weak Lats.

What can we program just starting off looking at the top scenario?
1) Let’s increase speed. Performing Speed Work at higher and higher intensity, training to be able to move a larger load at faster speeds will help with explosion after the pause.
2) Continue to train heavy bench above 75% 1RM to continue to make strength gains and not lose fitness levels
3) Work on force development with paused weight (pin presses). The more force development that can be generated (speed) the more likely the bar speed will help carry the lift through sticking points.
4) Increase tricep strength in the range of the failed bench. This would be 2boards, 3rdboards, which most directly mimics the area in which the lift failed.

What about the Lats? Well according to Directed Variation the lats will not be a primary training focus in this training. The Lat had nothing to do with the failed lift. Why expend extra energy? This does not mean I am not going to train lats, it does mean I am not going to take volume away from training what can fix my lift so that I can train something that wasn’t much of a contributing factor.

Notice we are “Training the Weaknesses” but the approach is directed to once the weaknesses manifest. We all have a lot of weaknesses and training various weaknesses just because they are “weaknesses” is going to have minimal carryover to increasing fitness. Train your dominant drivers, your muscle movers and worry about the weaknesses once they manifest. Don’t expect 10,000lbs of volume on a weakness that yields a 3% increase in your 1RM when you could have spend that same 10,000lbs of volume training your bread and butter which yields a 5% increase in your 1RM.

My goal here is to identify strengths and work those strengths until weaknesses become limiting factors to a point where extra volume needs to be spent correcting those weaknesses in a manner that will have the highest carryover to my lifts performance.

The goal is NOT to engage in variation and weaknesses training in the hope that we will have a carryover of a meaningful amount because we are more “well rounded.”
-Kyle Brown

Pink Dumbbells make me feel hugeeee

ckcrown84 07-31-2015 02:14 AM

245 8 triples .75 avg speed

No leg singles benches
315 1
365 1
385 1
405 1
435 1

Flat bench reps 315 x 15

345 8x1 Avg .35

5x40 push-ups
5x5 pull-ups

andyebs 07-31-2015 08:13 AM

looking good mate

new-Jedi 07-31-2015 05:06 PM

Very Impressive! I checked out your Facebook site too, and its good. The gym you are working at looks nice. Well done!

ckcrown84 08-07-2015 03:42 PM

4 sets of 5 225 .75 avg

Feet up 1 reps

355 8 sets 1


ckcrown84 08-09-2015 06:59 PM

265 8 triples


205 SSB
5x5 3 second pause

ckcrown84 08-14-2015 02:00 AM

135 and 80 chains 4 sets of 5

80lbs chains with below weights

4 sets 405 for 1 rep
385 for 1 rep

Floor press
335 8 sets of 3

Skull crushers
3 sets heavy

ckcrown84 08-16-2015 11:32 PM

Gearing up for that competition In December
Lean right now and am ready for that 198 class. Am sitting at 201lbs after my squats today.

Am testing my bench in two weeks!!!
If I get the number range I'm hoping for we officially start competition prep

Gimme a follow on fb for updates

Appreciate the support

new-Jedi 08-17-2015 04:09 AM

You looked amped in that pick. You are almost there.

ckcrown84 08-19-2015 09:53 PM

515 pull with straps

Deadlifts are looking rough since I tore my biceps going to be working on this and doing a lot of grip work to move away from the straps

Hoping my bench goes good next week because I am soooo ready to dial this stuff in for December

ckcrown84 08-21-2015 11:58 AM

ckcrown84 10-15-2015 02:14 PM

First of all I want to apologize for my prolonged leave of absence

I have had a lot going on personally and on the training side of things I have had some severe issues as well.

My transition back to low bar squat has been causing severe bicep tendinitis which is all the worse considering I am coming back from two distal bicep tears

I have a competition scheduled for December 5th if I can't find a balance between low bar squats and deadlifts without severely aggravating my bicep tendons it doesn't look like I will be ready to compete.

To compound the issues I have a pec strain that has been extremely aggravated which has hampered my bench training. Assuming I can get back to benching within the next week I'm not terribly concerned with this. However if the problem persists it will be a considerable problem and shave quite a bit off my total and make doing a meet pretty pointless

In any case I am trying to pull it together but working around my post surgery sensitivities and my new pec strain it is proving difficult

Here is some speed squats from last night used the SSB to ease my biceps

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

ckcrown84 10-18-2015 08:56 PM

Today was a nice day
470 at .33 m/s
Followed by some doubles at around 385
Then pause squats... Always brutal

One more week off of benching and I try to resume that

Hoping to pull it together last minute before the meet

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

ckcrown84 10-22-2015 02:59 AM

245 SSB speed squats followed by 2x10 for extra volume
Speed work done at .8m/s avg

Honest to god I've never felt much from speed work unless actually measuring speed. Takes the subjectivity out of it and makes it a pretty grueling workout to make sure you hit that .8m/s

Then did some static holds on the deadlifts to work on my ever failing grip.

Arms are adjusting to the once a week straight bar squat, going to be getting two massages per week starting next week. They seem to be helping

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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