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Growth Hormone, IGF-1, MGF, Insulin and Peptides Discuss here everything related to HGH, IGF-1, MGF, Insulin and Peptides

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Old 06-22-2010, 11:22 AM
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Question Get big or die tryin' :)

Hi everyone,

I hope my post isnt to hard to decipher as im looking to get some quality feedback so i dont muck all this up. I have read thread after thread on dosage protocols and amounts, and just when i think i've got it nailed i find some conflicting arguements blasting my plan out of the water.

So i thought i'd put my cycle out to the masses and see what you guys think.

First my Stats:
Male Bodybuilder
6ft 1in
12% BF

So this is what i have for my cycle.

40mg GHRP-6
40mg CJC-1295
12mg PEG-MGF
3.7mg IGF Lr3

50ml Test 400
900mg Dbol

With all this stuff i have worked out a 14 week cycle, running all this stuff together which looks like this.

GHRP-6 : Wks 0-14 @ 400mcg ED > Inj Spread 100mcg 4 x PD
CJC-1295 : Wks 0-14 @ 400mcg ED > Inj Spread 100mcg 4 x PD
PEG-MGF : Wks 0-14 @ 200mcg 2 x PWk > Inj Spread 100mcg 2 x PD
IGF Lr3 : Wks 0-3 & 7-10 @ 80mcg ED > Inj Spread 40mcg 2 x PD

Test 400 : Wks 0-13 @ 1200mg > Inj Spread 2 x PW @ 600mg
Dbol : Wks 0-3 @ 40mg ED

So here come the questions, and i apologise if people are adverse to bullet pointed lists ...

  1. Is all this stuff synergistic ... i mean i dont want to waste any of it, and im not sure if it can all be run together. I know running GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 together is beneficial, but i have not found any posts that have commented on all this stuff combined on a daily basis.
  2. I will be running the IGF in the morning and 1 hour post work out bi laterally in the muscle group i plan to train that day. I have read that directly post workout is a waste due to the natural MGF present in the body at that time.
  3. Is running PEG-MGF and IGF at the same time a waste, based on the above comment?
  4. Can i combine peptides in one syringe if mixed with the same solvent?

After all those questions i'd also like to invite people to help me by suggesting a better protocol and rearranging my planned cycle for a better result. Im sure i cant have nailed a god like cycle here!

Please any information, input and help will be very much appreciated!

Last edited by Massive-E; 06-23-2010 at 02:38 PM.
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