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Oinbar 03-25-2013 10:16 AM

need advise on PCT
I'm a road cyclist and about to start a Test Pro of 100ml a week for 8 weeks.
that is my first cycle ever.
I don't want to gain any weight as it will be counter-productive for a cyclist. I'm taking the T for strength and recovery only.
what PCT you guys recommend me?
should I'll take both clomid and nolva? or just one of them and if so which one?
and what dosage?
PCT is to start 3 days after the last injection for 3 weeks.

I'll also have aromasin for the cycle just in case I'll get water retention or Gynocomastia, as I fear that I might be prone to that.
do you think I should be worry about it?

I'm 6'3" and 172 pound with a 6.5% BF.

thank you

Cornish_Celt 03-25-2013 10:48 AM

Test prop is a short ester/fasting acting and needs to be injected every day or at least every other day, why would you take only 100mg per week?

PCT - Nolvadex at 40mg per day for the first 7 days then 20mg per day for the remaining 14 days.

I am concerned by your dose of 100mg per week, who advised you on this amount and why?

Oinbar 03-25-2013 05:11 PM

thanks for the fast answer.
I done some reaserch about the dosage with cyclists
who were on T with expirence. taking more than 100-125ml
of T for a week will be counter-productive, as I will gain
unwanted weight, which is not the aim.

I'v been told that T prop retain less water than other
T's so thats the main reason but not the only one.

Cornish_Celt 03-25-2013 05:28 PM

well that does make sense but it does sound odd because it's fast acting test.
I don't know much about cycling and gear but from what you say you could also try Sustanon, it's a mix of 4 different tests with a staggered release so it is always in the system over a period of weeks as apposed to 4 days, That may or may not be good for cyclists, I am not sure but you won't hold as much water with sustanon as you do with other tests

Oinbar 03-25-2013 05:42 PM

I got Aromasin at hand in case I will retain water or get gyno. from what I understand side effect at this dosage will be minimal to none, but I want to be on the safe side just in case.
what about taking nolva and clomid?

Cornish_Celt 03-25-2013 05:50 PM

I wouldn't bother with Clomid, too many bad side effects.

PCT - Nolvadex at 40mg per day for the first 7 days then 20mg per day for the remaining 14 days.

Aromasin is probably overkill on this sort of dose as Nolva would have done the job on 20mg per day

Oinbar 03-25-2013 06:04 PM

the aromasin is to be used during the cycle if needed only.

Cornish_Celt 03-25-2013 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Oinbar (Post 28972)
the aromasin is to be used during the cycle if needed only.

That's what I thought
A pair of tits might not do much for the cycling!

Eurovisionas 03-25-2013 06:32 PM

The average man produces 50mg to 75mg a week of testosterone on his own. By taking 100mg a week all you are gonna do is stop your natural production to have 25mg more in your system which will do absolutely nothing to benefit you. About gaining weight, it's not like you are gonna take 500mg a week and add 10 pounds of muscle without lifting weights. What steroids do is enchace whatever you are training on. If you train for stamina it will enchace your stamina, if you train for explosivness (mma-kickboxing-wrestling) it will enchace that, if you lift weights you will gain weight/muscle mass. My advice, take 300mg or more cause less than that won't do anything beneficial,it will just stop your natural production for nothing.

JJohnston82 03-25-2013 06:44 PM

I would imagine it pretty difficult not to gain some sort of weight using a dose that will be beneficial to performance. But then again, I've been wrong 182 1/2 times before so this could very well be 183

Oinbar 03-25-2013 07:05 PM

beside cycling I do workout at the gym. I workout 5 times a week.
upper body and lower. I also swim during the week for cardio. I
know 100 ml is low dosage, but as I wrote above thats the dosage
that is right for cyclists. now i'm in off season so I can do a short
cycle of 8 weeks.

JJohnston82 03-25-2013 07:25 PM

Prop is a short acting ester of about 4 days which most people inject every day or every other day. Assuming you go EoD that would be roughly 22.5mg of test Eod, which frankly probably won't yield any noticeable results at all and you'll end up putting yourself through PCT for nothing.

Most guys go with 100-150mg EoD, some as much as 200mg+ EoD, never heard of 100mg a week which is as Euro pointed out, only 25-50mg more than what you're already producing naturally.

Eurovisionas 03-25-2013 07:26 PM

It looks like you have made up your mind mate. As a steroid user and a MD I strongly disagree with it for the reasons I mentioned on my previous post but it's up to you.

As for the pct, 20mg of nolva and 50mg of clomid a day for a month is what I would do, good luck.

Oinbar 03-25-2013 07:32 PM

I"ll do some more study, maybe I"ll raise it to 125 ml or even
150 ml.
thanks for your time.

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