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Papercup30 04-12-2011 02:44 PM

Tired of getting 9mls in a 10ml vial.
Anyone else getting aggravated from buying 10ml vials and getting 9ml? Sciroxx and GP both. Love their product I just want my full 10 ml. And maybe it's just me.

Cornish_Celt 04-12-2011 02:57 PM

I use Sciroxx and Geneza all the time, I haven't noticed this before!
Have you contacted your source and explained what's happening?

Papercup30 04-12-2011 03:09 PM

First vials were sciroxx and I thought well I just did something wrong or left some in the needle. So the next set of vials I got were GP. Even using a larger air bubble in the syringe to make sure I got all the oil out during the injection I still only got 9 ml out. All 3 vials. I've got genshi test e on the way so I'll see how they pan out. Next step for me would be the 1 ml ampoules. But yes I plan on talking to my source. I came here first to see if anyone else had my same issue. Thanks for your response.

Cornish_Celt 04-12-2011 03:14 PM

like I say I haven't noticed but I don't really think about it either I just assume when it says 10ml that it has 10ml in the vial, I've just got some Geneza Sus and Deca, I'll check and let you know

eazy 04-12-2011 03:17 PM

Will check and contact Sciroxx and GP if mine are 9ml!

bitchtits31 04-12-2011 06:46 PM

hay cup30, maybe its you!
Maybe since this is your first cycle your not getting even draws in your syringe. Maybe you can't read it correctly because your laser corecrive surgery didn't work right. Maybe your so tall that gravity compresses the fluid more.
Or maybe your just being a whiny girl and not ordering extra since the price is so nice to begin with. Don't worry bro. Ill order some extra and you can barrow mine.

Papercup30 04-12-2011 07:24 PM

As I recall all the GP fills were your handiwork. It's prob because you can't count. If being short was a contest you'd win first prize. The only one I hear whining is your ass complaining about your gimp shoulder. High five! Oh yeah that's right you can't.

DudeFromAtl 04-15-2011 02:04 PM

ive noticed the same thing, ive gotten gear from 3 different labs, and all of them seem to come out to 9 mL. ive read about this same issue on another forum, and seems to be a going fad. some people mention to volume between the tip of the syringe to the bottom of needle, basically the little area in the neck of needle. also heard people talk about measuring to the short side of the 1 ml line instead of the far side of the mark, if you know what i mean

Papercup30 04-15-2011 06:08 PM

I feel like we're making excuses for companies that could just as easily add a ml to their vials in order for their customers to get 10 full mls out of a 10 ml vial. Maybe I imagine them making more profit than they do. And don't these companies know we particular customers might be a little edgyer than most. Its like that hot bitchy girlfriend you put up with because the sex is so good. And so far sciroxx has added 15 lbs and a crazy amount of strength to my body in 8 weeks. So bravo for quality and hopefully they'll work on the quantity.

irish_2003 04-15-2011 06:52 PM

most ugls are filled by a person and not a there WILL be some inconsistencies.....especially if they're producing many bottles and want to get it out quickly.....i honestly can't complain because ugls prices are f'n amazing right now compared to a couple years ago......

gym66 04-16-2011 02:28 PM

lol i just suck the shit out and stick it in. i have never counted how much I get out if a vial. im sure I lose some during the processes of loading it and injecting but that is the way it goes. i always fill my pins .1 over any way. and there is always some in the vial i cant get. when it gone i toss it and open another. no big deal. but i tell ya im loving the 50ml jugs i get they never end nor do my cycles lol

Papercup30 04-16-2011 05:39 PM

I've heard of 50ml jugs. What brand? QV?

gym66 04-16-2011 06:14 PM

rogue labs

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